We have the American sht - the 'it's cool but I'd rather read something else' sht. The 'why their legs so long' sht. The 'if there's fingerman then there must be fingerwoman and finger boy' sht.
We also have the Japanese sht - The weird sht. The 'why is there a child as part of the harem of a grown man' sht. The 'most Japanese people are so damn h0rny' sht. The 'WHY THE FUCK IS THIS TITLE SO LONG!' sh*t.
Then korean sht - the mostly good sht. The orv, tgcf type sht. The game elements everywhere sht. The Monsters and dungeon sht. They've got some really nice shts.
Chinese sht - The plain sht. The bad shit. It's just sh*t.
(though there are some good shizz like Reverend insanity and master of Gu, they are very rare and are therefore too miserably miniscule to consider)