For all novels: chapter list loads once in 20+ tries, and no novel can be read: if I click on read/continue reading or try accessing any of the chapters any other way (library etc.), broken info page appears (image of a book and "Whoops! We might have some troubles to find out this page. Please try again or Back to home" note).
Chapters cannot be read
87 / 5000
Résultats de traduction
try again after a few minutes that makes me too otherwise wait an see for a moderator
Same problem...
Same problem
Same here... It looks like it happened to the whole site...
Same problem
I think the servers are down or something
Same problem
Same problem here.... The same issue happened before...
+1 same problem
Great, it's not my router! \o/
hopefully it gets fixed soon
Had to write same problem to feel included. Though it worked for like a second on one time the rest of the the time the chapter list didn't work. Thought it was my internet till I checked here.
Dragonette Same problem...
- Edited
+1 Same problem
Some of the chapters show up but not others. Hope the problem is fixed soon!
same here, when I try to open a chapter, it gives me errors
same here
Dragonette Yeah I have this problem too.
Same other app and website
Yeah. Same Happens with me. Any updates on how long it will take to fix?
Same here
same +1
+1 getting the same error
same here
yep nothing is loading and no chapter can be found for any book at all
-_- there is always some shit with this site
TheOneThatReads I've no idea... I remember it happening a few times before but I can't remember how long it took to fix it... it seemed to me hours had passed but it was probably so because I was interrupted in the middle of a chapter xD
No book chapters are loading right now for some reason
lo mismo me pasa
No book chapters are loading right now for some reason
just when 5 of the novels i mreading and cant read because of webnovel....:/ i wish i could convice those to go to sc too xD
same here
Same Problem