Chapters not loading again... Anybody has the same problem?
Here we go again: novels not loading
Yeah it was like that yesterday for a while before it came back, it has something to do with the server I think.
i thought they fixed this yesterday
Boooo I want to read my books! ; - ; 3 of the books I want to read just updated and I am locked out...
I thought so, too... same thing happened 2 days ago -.-
I mean, it's a really serious problem for it to keep happening so often
Same thing happened to me too.
Again it geez
Dragonette Likewise...
Works again \o/
Nope, it's down.. again...
Wow. Such quality service. Never seen anything like it.
Suimere123 thats chinese for ya
The most annoying thing about this whole situation is that they don't even bother to put notification for us to understand what is wrong at least inform us u are having difficulties.
Tis working for me now
happened to me just now
Nevermind. Loads one chapter and shuts down again.
They don't even take the trouble to explain to us what's going on, great service...
Oh hey it works