immortal_shizu322 Hey wanna swap with mine??
January 2022 Review Swap
I've made $84,000 so far this year working online and I'm a full time student. Iโm using an online business opportunity I heard about and I've made such great money. It's really user friendly and I'm just so happy that I found out about it. The potential with this is endless. Hereโs what I do...
Does anyone wanna do a review swap?
Bunny_Junnie sure
( here's mine
gonna read yours right now
Bunny_Junnie done with yours
Mansam_Vijeshwer Reviewed your novel. I quite enjoyed it... As for grammatical errors, I'd recommend you use Scribbens, a free online editor. All you have to do is copy the chapters and paste them in the correction box. It will automatically be scanned and the errors will be highlighted so you can correct them.
InkSage Thank you for sharing this valuable information.
InkSage thanks.
Please review mine
Anyone interested in a review swap? My novel is a fantasy romance.
Here is the link If anyone wants to review swap. Mine is a fantasy story!
chery_cabral You are most welcome
LordHermes Reviewed your story. It was very engrossing. Please post more chapters..
- Edited
Please review my book. Your honest opinions are greatly appreciated
InkSage Thank you, I finished writing another chapter and I will publish it in a few hours. I will go check out your story and leave a review now!
LordHermes Thanks for the review
InkSage Its my pleasure!
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