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    Vanila_Michelle I have spotted a few mistakes and I didn't mention them in your review if you have discord we could talk there,I really like the creativity of that novel keep it up

      Just four chapters and you've captured my heart and soul into the book.😍😍😍😍😍🌺🌺🌺🌺🌺🌺Sarangayo πŸ‘Œ

        dyaaran98 LEE_GRACE added your books. Thanks if you have reviewed.
        And thanks GRACE for the comments.
        Will get to reviewing tomorrow. Happy weekend =)

          dyaaran98 LEE_GRACE added your books. Thanks if you have reviewed.
          And thanks GRACE for the comments.
          Will get to reviewing tomorrow. Happy weekend =)

          Hey can I get a review swap please?
          I'll do yours asap as well.
          join Wil Payne as his world is turned upside down. In a twisting story of reincarnation lost family and magic. Grem Shatteredsoul ( AKA Wil Payne ) is brought back to his home world 1000 years after his family's fall. Will he manage to overcome the difficulties or will he give up along the way?

            Virginia_Eduwa alright i add to my library first

            So, please back review to mine : Love in Taipei
            Thank you

              I will never forget you at all. I remember that you were the first person to speak to me on my first time joining this forum. You are so nice and a thousand times kind ❀️😍😍
              I'll review your book right now 😊

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