Raws: https://m.qidian.com/book/1003598691
"There are always people who want to kill you!"

"The Apocalypse is coming soon and I must Survive!"

Shen Cong , a guy with Delusional Personality , read about the end of the world in 2022 and believed it. He left his home, and devoted himself to constructing a war machine for the apocalypse, and hone his ability to survive. One day, Apocalypse really arrived.......

Its written by Bai Yuhan
Thats a level 5 writer
Story has high ratings and apocalypse as genre..... Ya know what I mean.

Its completed in China so no worries about author messing up the ending or worrying about slow release after it catches up.... As its already finished (raws)....

I really want to read it!

Plzzz pick it up....

If u feel its worth it too, leave a comment "+1"....

4 years later
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