Every night I start off with zero fast pass. I do the 3 normal ways to earn 3 of them, voting and checking in, plus app has 2 other ways you can get bonus fast passes by watching ads. I should have 5 after doing all of that. It shows that amount too in the count once all done. Yet every time I read a novel it only allows me to use 3 of them and the extra 2 vanish. This has been going on for a week now. On another note, for some reason some books have chapters where the next page button is missing or maybe hidden under the new ads that now are on the chapters for mobile. I have to go out into the table of contents each time to turn the page.

    If you exceed about 20 or so in your fast pass savings, the 7-day limit doesn't exist anymore and anything excess would be gone if it isn't used immediately.

    Never have your saved fast pass exceed 22 or something.

    As for the ad problem in mobile, you just do what you gotta do.

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        Check your fast pass tab, some of them might be for other books, genres or even comics.

          Or you have a story in your library which has the auto unlock function activated.

            Booker23de I do have one with an auto unlock on it, however it is the very one i have been reading only. i have not read anything else and it only consumes 3 out of the 5 and the remaining two become useless or nonfunctioning. Even for other stories or comics, yet funny enough they still remain on my fast pass count, or disappear entirely without unlocking anything. Like phantom passes.

              Darth_Xiane I have checked my tab. Nothing says otherwise. I have been using this for months and it is not until this last week that i have been having issues.

                I have turned off the auto unlock function just in case that is the issue. will check and see.

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