Chapter 156: "The Last Push" is up!
Aristocracy: A Horror/Tragedy/Drama Webnovel
Chapter 157: "The Food That Connects" is up!
Chapter 158: "Strange" is up!
Chapter 159: "What Are You?" is up!
Chapter 160: "Progress" is up!
Chapter 161: "Dissection" is up!
Chapter 162: "The Clue Needed" is up!
Chapter 163: "What Changed Inside Me" is up!
Chapter 164: "Who He Is" is up!
Chapter 165: "Also Human" is up!
Hey Guys. I'm currently working on a novel and I'd love it if you read it and give reviews and comments if you don't mind. Here's the link.
It's a Fantasy novel filled with thrill and mystery. Also, please send me a link on your book so I can review it. Thanks
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Mine is horror as well, please check it out
Anyone up for a review swap?
Here's mine: Link:
I'll review yours as soon as you review mine!
I will also add your book as soon as you add mine
Who is up for a WSA review?! Now, if you review both my books, I will review two of yours or if you have one book, I will review them twice so, here are mine! Both are on WSA but you can choose any or both to review. I would prefer you review the last wolf, though, if you want to review only one. Reply done and I will be on your book immediately. If I am not, it only means I am not online at the moment. Just have some patience and I will get to it the moment I get back.