Millman97 "being" as in this post and the content of the images she provided. If you read the whole thread you'llsee it. But telling her "she twists things" kiiiiinda makes her point. Advising her to communicate with better accuracy or say nothing at all is a more appropriate way to say it. And I think that's why she provided this images, maybe, because she's accused of lying, twisting things, blaming others or blowing things out of proportion. I DO NOT dare to say that she's right or wrong. Just the way this was being handled right now was not appropriate on either part.

    Whatever happens with this, don't give any people from either side mod privileges. That's how SJWs infiltrate communities. They complain and complain about everything, then when the mods/admins can't satisfy them they start asking for power to change things.

    After some time more and more SJWs get into power while normal people just stand by the side and watch in horror at what they're doing to the communities.

    Just have people that follow the rules of the community be mods and deal with things on a case by case basis and treat everyone equally.

    Personally, I think this is just nonsense.
    People do not call names for no reason. And additionally, (in my opinion) nearly everything on discord is said sarcastically and has no real value behind it.

    It's just that some people don't understand the sarcasm and think we are evil beings.
    I don't know if this is also with other boys/men ; but in case with my friends IRL, we insult each other on a daily basis and laugh it off.

    It seems that some people just can't handle that here.

    But I will watch this thread - for fun.
    grabs popcorn
    :smile: :popcorn:

      Millman97 See? You gotta be precise otherwise you'll be misunderstood..... I'm sorry, I didn't mean to be a pain, but, I deal with complaints all the time, and learned you gotta be more politically correct nowadays. I gotta give you credit because so far, you're the only one addressing this in a more appropriate manner.

      Flaffy That sounds fair. If someone calls you something you should be able to curse back. If the one who is cursing has the authority to ban you, then the chat server is not worth your time. You can come curse in other medium in a more passive but devastating way.

        Flaffy Hey, Been busy lately.
        So I don't know what happened there and I still don't completely understand the core of the issue even after reading most of the above comments.
        I don't use discord or FB too much, so I am probably uninformed.
        You and that group seem to have long lasting issues and the group is pretty aggressive. And they have the power to mute you when you want to be aggressive right? I have no issue with people cursing unless it goes out of hand. I am not sure about the root of the issue so no comments on that. The best option is to ignore the discord server completely, but that means you are punishing yourself. I understand the feeling of someone talking behind your back is bad. @Flaffy I don't know what I can do for this.

        My take on the issue is,
        The one controlling the chat server has to follow the rules and be impartial. Having a hypocritical admin makes it disheartening to even visit the server.

        @Neverfire7 @Tugster @Miya @Supreme_Idler What is even going on there? Feed me some info plz. I don't want to dig through the long chat history.

          Handsome master cat enter this post

          Meh? Is there something important to read 👀? Too long to read for this smart cat 🙄 Someone TL;DR for me please, I'll thank you with a purr!

          Cute master cat take a nap

            KingBiBiK Did you read my response? I think I responded both promptly and fairly to the issue raised, so how am I a hypocritical admin?

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