NineNeatherBird thats where you are wrong nether, me and bill arent friends. Just like you and i arent friends. And the difference between you and Bill is that you dont seek me out to say nasty things. I was never talking to bill yet he CHOSE to bring me up and say nasty things and that is different from what you are saying.
And to clarify for all the people who keep saying hypersenstive blah de blah refer to:
KingBiBiK That sounds fair. If someone calls you something you should be able to curse back.
For me as i said i did not feel that was an option. As i said before i dont bottle my feelings up i like to release them, especially in a direct way back to the person who was aggressive to me. If i had done so, based on my past experience of my first time in the discord where i was banned under the pretense of arguing!! I felt i would get similar results. Like i said i was more upset by the fact that i could not respond to it the way i wanted to than the actual insult itself. What made me more upset is that this guy had dug me up, its not like I had already been chatting there cause that wasnt the case. They were picking a fight intentionally and i am not one to shy away, but the server rules being what they are and my prior history what it is, i felt I would be banned if i retaliated, especially considering the mob in that server that would contribute to saying that I was the one overreacting and blah de blahdie, when in fact im just returning what was given to me.
KingBiBiK i had been inactive like i said for 2 weeks and 3 weeks in the chatting channels. I only stay for the casual novel questions/spoilers and the recent happenings of qidian. Because i was also not that active on forums anymore, and it was easier to just click the discord and do a quick skim. I was randomly pinged and that is the only reason why i saw that convo.