Flaffy Hey, Been busy lately.
So I don't know what happened there and I still don't completely understand the core of the issue even after reading most of the above comments.
I don't use discord or FB too much, so I am probably uninformed.
You and that group seem to have long lasting issues and the group is pretty aggressive. And they have the power to mute you when you want to be aggressive right? I have no issue with people cursing unless it goes out of hand. I am not sure about the root of the issue so no comments on that. The best option is to ignore the discord server completely, but that means you are punishing yourself. I understand the feeling of someone talking behind your back is bad. @Flaffy I don't know what I can do for this.

My take on the issue is,
The one controlling the chat server has to follow the rules and be impartial. Having a hypocritical admin makes it disheartening to even visit the server.

@Neverfire7 @Tugster @Miya @Supreme_Idler What is even going on there? Feed me some info plz. I don't want to dig through the long chat history.

    Handsome master cat enter this post

    Meh? Is there something important to read 👀? Too long to read for this smart cat 🙄 Someone TL;DR for me please, I'll thank you with a purr!

    Cute master cat take a nap

      KingBiBiK Did you read my response? I think I responded both promptly and fairly to the issue raised, so how am I a hypocritical admin?

        Millman97 I did not get up to your response. Are you the sole admin? This whole issue is kinda confusing and makes my head spin.
        I was generally responding to her claim that she was the one who gets blocked while the others comment shit about her.
        So what actually happened there?

          Can I just say I like pie? Do you like pie? If so why?

            KingBiBiK Someone called her a wh*re, she sent me a screenshot, I gave the user a server-mute for about 12 hours.


            Can I just say I don't like pie? Even if it is a lie. Just because I don't want to answer that why?

              Neverfire7 Everyone has a nasty side. Naturally, mine is reserved for her. If there were any other women offended by what I said then I apologise.

              With your insides into the female gender I expected more sighs

              adgsad It's the longest I've ever given. I've never been a mod before, nor was I looking to be a mod, so I think working out appropriate punishments for different offences will take time. For now, I think that was fair to all parties involved.

                adgsad Yeah, is like, go and reflect on it while you sleep LOL. I would say 24 hours is a minimum, 48+ for recurring offenses. A month+ for serious offenses. "Fluffy" didn't even realized the rule was indeed implemented, and thought nothing was being done.

                  Citlalicue "Fluffy" didn't even realized the rule was indeed implemented, and thought nothing was being done.

                  If you care to read my response, I explain that there were announcements before Flaffy's mute last month and direct warnings.

                    Millman97 Yes. I'm saying it was short therefore she didn't realized you had actually taken action.

                      @DivineSaintBrando is this what you were talking about? You see? There are rules, and action will be taken. You just gotta bring it to the attention of the moderators so they can deal with it.

                        I don't want to get involved since I like to be invisible. But I can't help myself.

                        I rarely join the chat on discord. One of the reason is, because the chat is a bit messed up. But honestly, the few times I did join... from my pov, they are not that bad. They did helped me answer a few questions. (I'm not taking side with anyone)

                        I've been doing my best to not offend anyone. Like saying sorry before make a new discussion (that possibly offend someone), or saying sorry immediately after I thought someone was offend.

                        Cyber bully is not something we can always avoid. That also happened to quite a few times to me. You are my friend flaffy. And with the time we spent at snowman clan. I respect you.

                        But it's impossible to have everyone to like us. Among 100 people of our supposed friends. There's bound to be haters in disguise.

                        Staying invisible make you unknown. Being unknown means they don't know you. Not knowing you mean there's no reason for them to insult you.

                        Why did they keep going insulting you? Because they know you.

                        one advice from me. There's one advantage from internet that we can always use. Make a new identity. It doesn't mean we lose, or we scared of the bully. But it's more like for our health. Aren't you guys tired of this?

                        This drama take a lot of energy.

                        Peace... I'm not trying to offend anyone here. Sorry if I did.

                        I like to make friends, not enemy.

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