just to make it clear and not drag down other people, I got my ban little girly, hope you can now get really off on this aspect.People will applaud you, other will hate you.

But as a matter of fact, you are and will still be a little ***** Crave for attention here as much as you like,
argue with people to your heart's content and at the end of the day, you will still be a little #####.

For the people on the discord i really hope you will never show your face, as 'interesting' as this might be, you stir emotion up in people that are neither love nor hate, its more like annoyance or disgust.

Cheers out my little *****, have fun

    Billdoor If people have those feelings they should speak them out. I think i had a place for those feelings to be placed, let me seee.....


    If the people in discord cannot speak their minds, it is not on my part as I previously said before I cannot help with something that was not brought to my attention. If they choose to ignore their feelings and just ignore me that is fine, I wasn't even that active for them to care anyways. If they have a problem they should speak up and be more clear, cause I have yet to receive a DM from anyone.

    i want to know why the server admin not baning them
    they using Qidian the cyberbully and if qidian let them keep do it its just sad and someone need to get fired

    and honestly there alot of shitty people in the world and you need to learn to ignore them
    i dont think you using discord qidian server to talk with them right ? so talk the pepole you want and ignore the bullys.

    and why you care what they say when you know they just board and waiting to someone to respond to them
    they want the attention become the unsuccessful in thier life and need someone to make fun of .
    so ignore them and dont care about what they say let the little kid fight with there self

      DaoistTwistLove read previous posts. I answer all that you asked. The problem is its cancer, he says something and monkey see monkey do everyone repeats and follows.

      For example as i saidbefore barely remember even speaking to lonelytree before but he seems to spread out in discord about what i know and what i want without any of my say so, without the facts thus the rumors from a translator becomes fact on some ears, my very point in my very first discord post.

      When I complain of the things done before no one had done anything and the only thing i was allowed to do is post on forums because if i post in discord they would say im arguing and use that excuse to ban me unjustly, so i posted this. And now he is banned.

        Wow, there is nothing wrong with a little teasing but you guys just seem pathetic.

          Kymani little teasing is different from directly seeking to be nasty to someone. Its like if because of this misunderstood post you just made i will follow you on forums saying "kymani is a hoe bag" everytime you post something and random people join in to ridicule whatever they feel like, and then when you dont respond for a while someone pings you and i continue to find words to talk bad about you.

          But wait there is more!!!

          You tell me to stop but i say for you to "put on your big boy boxers!!" " stop being a twat!!"

          But wait theres more!!! You ignore me but then someone else brings you up again and you see your name and a blocked message then the person laughs. And it continues like this for days....a little teasing is not like that. And im not even your friend, family or anyone important to you, what can you think other than that i have something against you and want to annoy you. And should you tease back you will run the risk of being banned.

          As said previously with the rules put forth in the discord it says contrary to those kinds of actions should that change then you wont hear from me. And i would like to point out the aggressor has never said he was teasing, and that is hecause he was not...he was insulting which he has admitted on more than one occasion.

            This is silly. I am sitting here reading a debate that can be summed up like this: We have a child being a bully with a few suppoerts on one side. And we have a woman who is on a really bad justice crusade on the other. Is what the "bullies" doing nice ? no. Should it happend ? no. Should this have been plastered over here beyond asking Mods to enforce rules ? Hell no. People will be childish, give them attention while being childish just reinforces the behavior. I dont disagree with you overall Flaffy ? But your making the whole thing just worse with the WAY you go about this here, Ignore the idiots problem solved. Cant do that ? im sorry but you shouldent be on the internett.

              Zhevons Your entitled to your opinion, as i said before i post here in irritarion at not being able to say what i want in response. Like i said in real life i would have it out with the person, we would exchange words and i would feel better having said my shitty things right back.

              If i had done so in discord i would be banned and they would not be. That fact is what seriously irritated me more and since i had brought it up before i felt this was the only other place to get my peace of mind that at least i didnt sit there like a dog and take shit.

              In my opinion if i had ignored like before that wouldnt put an end to it and really wouldnt make me feel any better. You all are acting like this is the first time like this is something new, i could understand you saying that if i posted stuff every single time but i didn't, this was my last straw and my outrage at the people who allowed it.

                Flaffy I understand your thoughts. But bullies does not function like that. Most bullies are pathetic in real life. Having troubles with aggression, home situation and much more. Its why I say to ingore them, because what they want above all is attention. A way to release their frustrations on others to feel better themselves. And the net is filled to the brim with people like this. Why do you think there is so many trolls around ?

                Should you be able to voice your thoughts on topics like this ? Yes, I dont say differently either. But your not going to make things stop by naming the guy, your giving him attention. Should have attacked the generation situation as a whole without bringing in names, because if Quidan is serious about it they can go over discord logs themselves and find the cases. By plastering it up here, unrelated people like me now know who is involved etc. This ? Is not okay either. So truth be told you have the right to be irritated, but this wont change a damn thing unless mods themselves are willing to do something about it. And if getting it to stop is the goal ? That should have been the main focus, not posting the details about the guy.

                  Zhevons i only posted his name and what he said. I didnt post any other details about the guy, actually dont think i know any other details about the guy. His name was posted because he is on the forums and has done the same insulting on the forums as he has done in discord, plus everyone would know who i am talking about and just like before they will say who is who so no point disguising it. As far as screenshots go i have prior experience where i was not believed because i didnt not have them because i was banned and had no access before.

                  I already know for the most part qidian does not care about the discord server at this time, if they cared as much they would have more mods than just the one. My annoyance was more with the people in the discord that allowed this to continue the people that join in and laugh those same people who would protect him should an argument arise. Those people allowed it, because literally all they have to say is " hey man that was not cool" "lets not talk about this" but they did not do that. They pinged there because they wanted that sort of thing. I am up for the challenge but someone is going down for the count imo.
                  As i said previously it was to warn users because i dont see much changing, vent my frustration and my last option.

                    NewCultivator hehe what are you Lucifer?

                    I wanted an explanation, would it be handled or are the mods hypocrites? Would he also be banned or are you mods as bias as i think?

                    He says he was banned, lets see what happens now, how long does that last will he continue his crusade after?

                    Does everyone now realize that im not to be bothered with continuous insults? Why poke the bear? Or will i be posting something like this again in a month?

                    We shall see, for now i feel wayy better and the aggressor got just desserts.

                    Been in many discord servers this is the first one i have seen such mentality where many people hide behind each other and empty lies. Only really stay in the server for the translation mistakes, the novel spoilers, and some novel hunts.

                    Flaffy Lol honestly wouldn’t affect me in the slightest 🤷🏽‍♂️. A bunch of idiots with no life sitting around a computer saying whatever they please affects me how??.

                    Then again we’ve all been raised in different environments so I can’t really pretend to understand how you feel or offer any advice when it comes to this.

                       1. I got a dig bick
                       2. You that read wrong
                       3. You read that wrong too
                       4. You checked
                       5. You smiled
                       7. You are wondering why you're still this reading this
                       8. You saw that mistake... right? (On 7)
                      10. But did you see that I skipped 6?
                      10. You checked
                      11. And saw you that I doubled 10 and skipped 9
                      12. I said saw you, not you saw
                      13. I also skipped 2
                      14. You got tricked

                      I'm just wasting your time go back to reading the comments

                      Forgive others, not because they deserve forgiveness, but because you deserve peace.
                      - Jonathan Lockwood Huie

                      Work both ways.

                      I'm not one to shy away from shit slinging but in all honesty even I stay away from the cesspool that is that discord.

                      The things talked about in there are just plain fuckin weird like people being proud of Pedos.

                      It's nothing but a 4-Chan wannabe group, you're really not missing anything by staying away. The most constructive things discussed are via the authors who all moved to their own server.

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