Flaffy he new mod of the server Millman had clearly shot himself in the foot as a silent rule he claimed was written was in fact not written at all
The rule is still written in the rules channel. And I don't want to get into the last issue again, but the channel topics are clearly written, there was an announcement stating to keep server discussion to the appropriate channel (albeit said in a joking tone), and you were warned by me.
Flaffy I just looked at my previous forum post and it seems my claims are being downplayed as just complaining about a troll.
The reason people don't take your complaints seriously is because you twist facts.
That being said, when you messaged me on discord privately, I went to look at what happened. I didn't see a ping, so I don't know if you were pinged or not, however Billdoor had called you a whore. I immediately server muted him, which I then told you about in response to your private message.
This morning we made a mod role with some more powers so someone else can help out and added a bot to log all messages.
IMO, this post was completely unnecessary since the issue was resolved almost immediately after I saw your message.
Olivia I do have admin rights, but that was only for adding and configuring some bots. However, since the server had 0 moderation before, I've kind of taken over that now as well.
Flaffy if he wasn't a mod he wouldn't be sending people DMs threatening to ban them.
I'm pretty certain I've never threatened to ban you, and I've certainly never threatened to ban anyone in a DM. Please don't lie about me.
Billdoor I got my ban
It was a server mute, not a ban. Although it's the longest mute I've given so far.
Gamblejay The things talked about in there are just plain fuckin weird like people being proud of Pedos.
I have no idea where you got this from, I've never seen anything like this there. If you want to message me about your concerns then please feel free to.
Flaffy I dont think I need much advice in all honesty like i said it irritates me more that i was not able to handle it the same way i otherwise would which is to hurl an insult back and have it out with the person. The reason i wouldn't be able to is again because of the people in that discord hide behind their rules that they dont follow. If i break the rule its immediately enforced if one of them breaks the rule nothing happens. So i took this approach to ensure something if anything would happen, since i wasnt allowed to respond the way I wanted.
Ok, by the time you sent this message, you'd definitely received my response to you on discord saying that I'd muted him. I don't really get what more you want from this post at this point...
Citlalicue the way is being answered and handled by people working/contributing for this site is just ridiculous. The way they conduct themselves is a joke. Zero efficiency and professionalism.
A response was given to both users involved within a couple of hours (as soon as I saw the messages). If you have suggestions regarding my efficiency and professionalism, I would like to hear them.