• Diss
  • Comprehensive calculated pricing of novels (Ongoing project)

After seeing that everyone else is complaining about prices, and nobody seems to have accurate statistics, I'm going to sit down, look at various novels, then tell you:
(1) How much it'd cost to read them if you do so back to front ($)
(2) If you are caught up, how much it'd cost to stay caught up ($/week)
Finally, according to my calculations (Not completely accurate because the pull rates of the random draw are unknown, but assuming an average of 10 to smooth it over) a person gets 20 spirit stones a day if he's a cheapass who won't pay or watch ads, which has a rather high value of 40 cents daily or $2.8 weekly.

I'll do a novel a day or so, and if it's requested below, I'll do it earlier than other ones.

Starting with LHP, since it's the most popular,
LHP has 651 free chapters and 729 total chapters.
Each chapter costs between 11 and 13 ss, which I'll take as 12 on average for simplicity's sake.
That's 78 premium chapters, 936 spirit stones, or $18.72 dollars to read it throughout.
Since LHP releases, or claims to release 15 chapters weekly,
that's 15 chapters/week, 180 spirit stones/week, or $3.6 per week.

Stay tuned for other price analyses. Anyone else willing to join in, just comment below.

Immortal Mortal:
785 free chapters, 1041 total chapters => 256 premium chapters
Although currently discounted, usual cost is between 11 and 13, 12 on average
Total cost to read it: $61.44
26 weekly chapters, 12 per chapter
Total cost to follow: $6.24 a week

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