Unhealthy behaviors I have seen in the forums.
The problem lied on the community.
If Qidian did such thing like regulating the badmouth translators, the people will say ''OMG censorship'', ''Communist'' or whatever.
I had even seen how the community says to Qidian ''This isn't China, this is the west'' because Qidian's business methods is different like the subscription or whatever. And I want to use this moment to say to those people, ''This isn't the west neither your country, this is the shtty Internet.''
Just because of little issue about their business methods, the community cried so hard. I mean, they looked like imposing other to follow their doctrine.
And it's obvious that this can be seen in every forum of translation.
So, most of the problem lied on the community.
I'm not defending Qidian, but as a Chinese, I can see sometimes, the community includes some action of Qidian with China. And when I say action, it's not only about problems of Qidian, it's about every thing they do.
Ohhh...finally. I like to see that user to answer this post. I keep on seeing her/him around here.
( ¯ㅿ¯ )
U U Yeah..
/ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄\ like stalking…..
|二二二二二二| tha'ts unhealthy enough……
| | i'm busy Working now tho…..
potetto if trabslators are bot doibg their job (unexaplained hiatus/ machine translation) and still get paid, ofc people call them out
potetto protect the translators lmao. If you can not even ignore some internet trolls and do your job supputed by honest readers you kind of deserve your faith. Now if all readers are badmouthing you then you deserve the insults
WeebMonsieur lol, me too
zswaleh YAY @SS MAN!
WeebMonsieur mnnhhh i smell ass on u, mmmhhhnnnn
I don't care
Just lurking
NewCultivator sure just don't lurk in the shadow at the lower angle, that called peeking underskirt.