I just hit level 3 and apparently in order to reach level 4 I need 1,500 XP.
This'll take a while haha :D
Just hit level 3.
Whilst you're complaining about not being able to reach level 4 anytime soon, I'm still wondering how to reach level 3.... Good luck with the grinding though...
with the 8 exp I get every day I might just hit 3 in 2-3 months. Then a year for 4. But yeah, congratulations I guess
LookingForOnlineGF no fucking way man. i stopped trying but just going slow. just got to level 2 . at least it says when i joined qidian.
as of this writing i still need 57 exp to reach level 3, still better than having no progress at all..but as what i see the previlage of level 2 and 3 os the same right?
tyoyjose Yeah, pretty much the same.
I will catch up with you in around 2 weeks.
Congrats, I still have a long way to go
Congrats Elder :bow:
I am still level 1... So i am going into closed door cultivation !
Senior should pass down some wisdom
Lonelytree do you people (translators as editors) also have levelling system?
SidX I think so but I have no idea how to check it.
Congratz... For a loner, its hard to lvl up haha.. 12exp a day
Lonelytree LOL I would love to check translators and editors' levels. Except that i couldn't. XD
Whoa! I'm still like 300 xp away!
shouldn't we get some benefits for levelling up?
if they will only add some previlage if your reach level 3, but thats not the case..its still thr same as with level 2.
Neverfire7 Yub.. .. how to get to Lv 3..●v●