mutekishifu it's me organize this app rate 1 star and email text. But didn't work and I drop this shit website) they don't hear us
Download the latest version of the app to join Readers' Lab to win free fp
How the hell are pc user are supposed to read?
One way would be "Wait for the next (hopefully better) version of the app and test it with some Android emulator." But I can't seriously guarantee that it will actually work.
I was comfortable reading through the browser but now I can't and I don't download the application because it bothers me to read on my cell phone. Another problem is the lack of translation in the mobile application, let's be honest, many writers or readers do not know how to speak or read English, that's why they use translators to write on this platform, but with this movement they are driving them away. I hope they give an explanation of why they made this irrational decision and that they give advance notice if they are going to do these things so they don't bother everyone.
Screw you app, I'm not downloading shit.
what is bullshit i read only my pc
i read with google translate
for french but app not use google translate
magnetrelease Same, my phone is just way too small to read comfortably.
1 star rating from me. Just updated for Forcing us with their BS
WebnovelStaff return the site to the way it was i am like a old dog i cant learn new tricks like this
Please stop this shitty idea!! And return us the pc version!!
This new update is sickening and outrageous!!!
Forcing your user is never going to end well. If you want people to use your app, make it better, make it atractive, right now you lost any crediblity as a company. In the end this will lead to more alternative and a slow death for your own app/website.
1 star for you in google play! No need to thanks.
Do you realize that yourn new "feature" of only allowing to read full chapters in the app means that you are denyn anyone that wants to read from a pc the option? oyu are killing yourself with those mesures
I wonder how much they pay Google Play to remove negative reviews?
this seems like a dumb move to me i use pc most of the time or a windows laptop you should undo this crazy update which i believe is a downgrade
Webnovel becomes Appnovel
What the heck is the problem with the administration! My editor uses PC.....and now he can't read and make the corrections because of this stupid move!
a large portion of the elderly still use computer as they not as well-versed with mobiles and ipads. Are you trying to say this site should only be used by the young and hip, and the ones who cannot use mobiles are not going to be allowed! What is wrong with your brains!!
Kindly return back the PC version, as my editing is suffering.
Soy usuario de PC, uno que habla castellano. Primero nos quitan los pases rápidos, nos bloquean el uso del traductor para leer capítulos ya vistos y desbloqueados, solo dejando la posibilidad de usar el traductor con obras/historias gratis; y ahora nos hacen migrar a celular..... genial...
I would like to know the percentage of people who read in countries that are native English speakers, to try to understand why the page basically decided to indirectly expel all the rest of its users