Review swap, collection, comment
aleksandra_pano10 I'll check yours out.
Meanwhile please check mine too.
Who's in for some review swap?
Gheata_Darian heyyy,I'll check yours now.
Please do mine:
daylightmoon123445 hello. Please try mine. I'll check yours out now!
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@Sneakycat098 " I'll review yours. Will you do mine?
I'll do yours! Can you do mine??
@aleksandra_pano10 I'll do yours!! Will you do mine?
I'll do yours! Can you do mine??
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aleksandra_pano10 awesome!@ Ill get to reading!!
_Shades_ sure thing
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@Sneakycat098 You're the best!! Thank you!!
Urcrayontastic and you are amazing! Thanks for the compliment ʕ ꈍᴥꈍʔ
Hey, is anyone up for a review swap? Here's my link...
_Shades_ done with yours to
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@Urcrayontastic Done with yours, great story
Please do mine to
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@Melchisedec I'm in here's mine
f0011 Will check yours later
Here's mine
aleksandra_pano10 I've given my review. I'll be waiting for yours
maylily_jk done and dusted
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@Melchisedec done with yours to
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@Chuzi I gotchu!! Make sure to do mine too ^^
Urcrayontastic Lol, look behind you
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@Chuzi Found ya! Thank you! I'm currently working on yours!
Anyone up for review and collection swap?
AditiiSingh I have left a review on yours. Sorry for the delay. Hope you will also review mine.
Hey everyone how about a review and comment swap with me, tag me and post your link after reviewing mine
Urcrayontastic Lol, I slept and couldn't continue the train.
Anyways tons of people replied 'specifically' under my review?? I was mildly confused, like "what's happening?"
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@Chuzi I didn't evennotice that lol
Well hello people.
Support my book. Give review, vote and like. Share my story to your friends.
@Rainbow420 I'll do yours!! Will you do mine??
Melchisedec review swap.. my book is "From Pearl to Onyx: Love and Vengeance"
LIGht_Pen Hi, is this offer still valid?
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