I am posting this in order to share with the community the dark underbelly of abuse and misogyny that already poisons our originals creators, barely over a month since we began this journey.

As a female author, I can’t help but be extremely worried to how some of the other authors in the Inkstone Discord Server have been acting toward females. Recently, we had a fight between Anjeeriku, author of “PS: I’m not Over You” and YinandYang Dragon, author of novels like “Evil Sex Fiend”. You guys can see how this will go.

We can see in the screenshots below how that fight went, and how 17Sphynx17, author of “God’s Beta Tester” got in the middle of it with no real reason and joined YinandYang Dragon in what I can only call a misogynist rant against Anjeeriku.











What we see here is just the tip of the iceberg. We had lots of jokes regarding Anjeeriku’s supposed age, but most of them were directed at her gender.

To be clear, the one who started the fight was Anjeeriku. She was blunt on her comments on the smut novels on Webnovel as a whole. The problem is, YinandYang Dragon took that as a personal insult. I can understand him feeling insulted, even if the insult was not aimed at him. I can understand, but I cannot condone with it. Because Anjeeriku never made a personal insult, and as authors we need to learn how to take criticism.

About 17Sphynx17, I feel nothing but loathing. The fight was not even about him but he clearly got into it just for the fun, dishing out insult gratuitously. Is that the kind of authors we have here? As a woman I can’t help but worry. 17Sphynx17 already made Anjeeriku cry twice.

Not only that, we recently had a fight involving Earldennison, author of “Technomancer: Genesis” because he asked nonstop about details on the contracts. The problem is, no one knows more than what was told to us in this link:https://acts.webnovel.com/2018/62185143/index.html

Some authors lashed at him for his insistence, what I personally do not agree to given the situation. However, I also can’t agree to his stance regarding basically doubting what people were telling him, given that he hadn’t even given himself the trouble to read the link above.

What comes of this is another fight involving Anjeeriku.




Not only that, she even sent me screenshots of a private conversation between Earl and herself, where Earl not only refuses to apologize, but slanders her further. After Anjeeriku left the author server, Earl shamelessly demands someone to upvote Witch CEO novel to get even against her.


And don’t get me started on the random and gratuitous conversations involving sex that happens everyday on that server. The amount of terrible comments I had to read would be enough for 5 of these threads. Disturbing especially for some minor/underaged authors who are also in the server.

This is not what I think Webnovel wants from their authors, especially the ones that potentially might get a contract and represent the company. I recommend more Staff members on that server acting as Mods, because it is only downhill from here if no one reigns the members in. I can tell that from personal experience.

Do forgive me for writing this anonymously. By the screenshots you can have a good idea of what would happen if I revealed myself.

For the readers of Anjeeriku’s novel, you might have read her latest chapter. She has failed to inform you that it might be the last one she will release and will drop her novel. Anjeeriku also left all the servers on discord to avoid the toxic community.

Manners make a man. If you like making a woman cry because of your insults, I don’t know what to call you.

@Millman97 @Dannnnz

  • A concerned female, and a concerned author

    License_to_Offend We can clearly see that earldennison and 17shpynxblahblah are at the wrong place but anyone can see that you have done greater mistake over the matter? Obviously, you are trying to get sympathy from others especially from the supporters of anjeeriku but YOU ARE JUST FUELLING THE FIGHT INSTEAD OF FIXING IT. Clearly, you're friends with anjeeriku(maybe you're a proxy?) If you want this to be fixed you can contact QI using email and not the forums in which all person can access, your purpose can obviously be seen. Earl dennison is wrong because he used some bad words, it is obvious. By the way., I'm neither on any sides, I'm neutral, I am just frank and straigtforward passeeby. Also, I didn't wrote this to offend anyone but just to express what I observed logically and reasonably. Thanks. Please don't make the fight bigger, make it private or with just your party, the other party, and QI.

    How stupid it's clear that cheesecake was attacking the other authors work and just about everyone found that person's comments grating. Basically picking a fight with the server, losing and now ranting about misogyny, what a two faced person. Pathetic.

      License_to_Offend Both sides are acting like kids and you showed just one side of the conflict, enlarged it and now demand 'justice' even though you've mentioned that:

      "To be clear, the one who started the fight was Anjeeriku."

      "Because Anjeeriku never made a personal insult, and as authors we need to learn how to take criticism."

      And as an author you also need to learn how to ignore trolls and haters.

      From what I've read from your screenshots one side was using personal insults while the other was just a tiny bit more subtle and was bashing the work someone had spent hours to write, probably because she decided it will hurt the other person more.

      And that move with:

      "She has failed to inform you that it might be the last one she will release and will drop her novel."

      Was simply a cheap attempt at mobilizing the readers with sympathy.

      Please resolve such problems in private.

      Hello! First of all, I'm not a reader of any of the books of the authors involved but can I just emphasize this one important thing? This is invasion of privacy. It doesn't matter if one side agreed to post it, all of the involved parties should be involved. Also, you should just resolve it inside your group, no need to make this unsightly situation bigger. I won't make opinions as to who is right and wrong in the chat but can you just take down this post? One, it shows how much of a gossiper you are and second, it makes you look like someone who wants to create hype just to become famous. Stop this kind of discussions, it makes me be personally disgusted by you.

      I was sent here by by the great lord Papa Franku-sama from the great Church of Eggplantism to offer the 5 prayers earned through the likes from our beloved followers.

      This seem to be a official Server given to orginal authour after they reach a point for contacting and talking about orginal so ya the server itself being toxic is bad thing leaving it when you trying to do buisness with qidian is bad. Also posting this on the forum instead of contacting who ever in charge over there is bad.

      Seem like server turn into a circle jerk.

      :x: I was caught trying to rob disneychannel#6949, and have been fined :diamond_shape_with_a_dot_inside: : 675327

        Do you really have to post these kinds of things? If you really are concerned to that "anjeeriku", you should just help fix this mess, not aggravating it more. What an attention-seeker.

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