They are honestly making webnovel so much worse with this decision, I write fanfics and can say as a non-monetized author that this honestly makes my life worse as the reading my novel on the website is how I mainly like to check my own work for mistakes, and to make things worse I am a pc exclusive reader and webnovel absolutely murdered my usage of it

Infelizmente estou largando o Webnovel por isso, se agora não posso ler pelo navegador onde eu poderia traduzir os textos para minha língua, não à motivos para mim continuar a acessar o Webnovel...

It is one thing if they did this change for the "Original" Novels to supposedly "protect" their copyrights, but seeing how even the FANFICTIONS were affected by this... all they really did was royally screw over their PC reader base, which is basically the vast majority...

Daniel_San Полностью с тобой согласен, мне совершенно не нравится это дерьмо, теперь больше невозможно читать любимые произведения.

That's bullshit man, they even did it to fanfics, how the hell this would protect then? This is just a way to force the user to download their app which many still don't use even with the removal from the free passes from pc, many are like me that just stopped reading original novels here and are just staying because some fanfic authors; it seems like many people use ad blocks and on app they couldn't so webnovel had decided to murder they whole pc fan base on the hopes that the few who would go to the app would worth it.

Forcing people to download the app is ridiculous. Today's software and apps should be cross-platform compatible. This includes LAPTOPS and WEB BROWSERS! I hate trying reading on my phone and do not have a working tablet. Plus, I use reader view and text-to-speech software to read to me since I am dyslexic.

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