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RevolutionMan ¡Viva la revolución!
RevolutionMan ¡Viva la revolución!
Fun times.
I personally would recommend RoyalRoad, here's one of their masterpieces.
El Partisano.. Maybe my heart broken but my emperor soul immortal!))
Valar Morghulis !
israel_araujo_7677 in my opinion there is a lack of a site that has easy searches, on fanficnet and it is very difficult to find the fanfics I want
RevolutionMan i estoy de acuerdo esto dé la app es una tontería y con la app no se puede usar el Google traductor
Miguel_Sayjin scribblehub, royalroad, ranobes net, readwn, mtlnation .. And many many
Went to the discord apparently their aren’t enough PC readers to make a difference and they only care about English readers. Don’t hate me just what they said.
RevolutionMan panda-novel a
Liquid_Culture the successfully crippled their site many of the viewers come for fanfic and the fanfic writers stay because of how Webnovel was now it’s gonna be complete doodoo it’s a shame because I was thinking of making a fanfic and this happened
Authors/Writers if you're migrating your works/Fanfiction in Scribble hub please before you upload in that website put a Fanfiction tag or just the fandom for your Fanfiction, Thank you
Kono_phineas_da amazing how things can go to shit so fast, yesterday I was reading happy and today I'm on this shit day