We need more revolution warrior. Need elite army with good brains and online war skill!!

They don't delete your rate comments in Google and apple Store when you write good comment with facts, no toxic , with good info about app #5

    Сука,хорошо хоть 2 из 3 авторов что я читаю собираются выкладывать работы на других сайтах,тем у кого нет связи с читаемыми авторами я соболезную)
    Bitch, it’s good at least 2 out of 3 authors that I read are going to upload work on other sites, I condole those who have no connection with the authors I read)

    Или просто пиши длинный ..я оборал их в русском/казахском плэймаркете и немецком аппсторе ..оба комента живы )

      We need more revolution warrior. Need elite army with good brains and online war skill!!

      They don't delete your rate comments in Google and apple Store when you write good comment with facts, no toxic , with good info about app #5

        He just said that he would send the e-mail, I already send it too by the way, I'm in good humor because I already confirmed 2 fanfics authors that I follow are already or would begun posting their historys on other websites and had already begun to notify the fanbase. xD

          if someone reads blazuki and AStoryForOne, then they are going to post on fanfiction_dot_net)
          It remains to wait for the answer Niggross
          and one scottish guy who jerks off on C scottish and so laid out on the above site .. so 3 out of 4 authors that I follow will be there.)))

            A Nascent Kaleidoscope. will be updating on fanfiction DC: DON'T UTTER A WORD will either be google doc or fanfiction Playing Firebending (Legend of Korra SI) will be on fanfiction these are the top 3 power fanfics and this is the information i got from the authors i will try for more fanfic information

              We cannot wait for the times to change and for us to change along with them, for a revolution to come and take us on its march. We ourselves are the future. We are the revolution. LET'S GO!!!

                yes, I also wrote about them above, except for DS), but I indicated the authors)
                if someone is a fan of the crazy Scot
                0_Jordino_0 he has been on fanfiction dot network for a long time

                of those whom I follow, only nigross remains ... the other 3 are waiting for me on ff dot network

                The Average DC Experience is already posting on other sites so just write it in google "Creating Manga Of One Piece In Pirates World Become My Ultimate Goal!" Author has said that he will be looking for a new sites for now its up on patron

                  honestly what the hell them doing, i like use app when i work like break time but why the hell i want to use it home. they just donc understand that i guest, just leave i guest.

                  DeadpooI Revolution Emperor love your comment now I give you Full Power!! Now you a General of my army! Attack this bastards e-hehehe))

                  Meta Essence Gacha in Marvel author evans will be looking for new sites, "One Piece: The strongest female pirate crew" you can find it at readwn. com and search for Kidnapping Hancock At The Start, Instigating The Navy Gion

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