if they dont fix this let me know other sites out there with similarity
Please give 1 star rating for the APP
RevolutionMan Reading webnovels has been one of my favorite pastimes, but due to the recent events where they blocked the ability to read online, they have created a lot of problems ranging from not being able to read on a computer, corny because there is no application, to the fact that in the application I cannot use google translate . Many people refuse to use webnovel services just because of this. I, as a user of the app and the site, was offended by such a blatant disregard for the people who greatly appreciated it.
Many users have been on the site for more than 2 years. the system worked properly and instead of continuing to improve the application, they decided to simply remove the ability to read on the site
RevolutionMan i tried my best, i dont know what is kore information
Just a heads up for any authors looking for a solution just double post the chapters in the auxiliary volume to circumvent the new update.
I think they have bots to counter otherwise why would their score stay so high.
Here fanfiction author
Fanfic ' Gantz: live or die ' to scribblehub
sebas325 it's because many review short or toxic or no good real information
THe app has always been less than 1 start worth. The search functions are an insult.
sigh, i read on phone but i have a clean phone with only 4 apps i use, i am not gonna make WEBnovel #5
W Polsce ocena aplikacji jest na 4.1 gdzie wcześniej 3.7 muszą mieć boty albo usuwać oceny
szwe_du in Russia 1.6-1.7 and now they delete all comment and review and 3.7 now)
To posrane :o
RevolutionMan no debería ello tener permiso para borra ameno después 3 días.... pero ello pagar para bórralo ya rapido esta claro ello no amiste que peo erro de año