It's not practical to write novels on mobile, so I bet everyone write on a computer, or at least edit on computer...
So... I must see the chapter on my computer! Of my own novel! It's the minimal requirement for me to write here!

& I'm totally against this update, and like everybody else search other options for the first time ever, as Webnovel was my one-and-only favorite site, to the extent I wouldn't even read or search novels in other sites (on web).
...It seems as if the readers won't even exist after this forceful act you don't really know your clients and the usage of browsers for this site?

[btw, I thought it's the most secure website for novels existing, did I miss something here? Since when there's theft? I can't even copy-paste a word here, like searching online to know what the novel meant ... Can you at least explain/expose why's this update necessary?]

    How am I suppose to edit my chapters now? :/

    I'm really feeling lost right now, should I stay in this site?

    Will any writer stay in this site?

    [How can things, like photos, who are major part in most novels, can be added now to the novels? O_O -.- ]

    Dude, I'm sorry but unless you use Mobile you should move to scribblehub or something. Of course, we can hope they change this new update, but I wouldn't get my hopes up.

      Authors, Creators, Content-writes, please make some noise as well?

      It barely been a day since the update, but I hope no user will leave this site yet, and instead fight to keep this community alive and well, plus I hope the site-management will respond to the users asap, cause it can't keep being like this...

      ...the damage in the long-run ain't worth this forceful-act, and the longer you fight against the users, the more damage accumulate to yourselves...

      My wish to write a free-novel here just got fulfilled, and it's going great, even got the basic audience, but it's like it was done for nothing now, as I planned to use this platform to create in the future another novel ppl will pay to read, meaning, it's a stepping-stone, for free+paid novels, a place for new creators+proven creators ... but now, it ain't that anymore

        Iseeyou But I got some hope in me, cause if they won't do anything to correct it, I can't see why would they shoot thei own leg? I mean, who would use what they spent so much to create?

        [My guess: a lot of plagiarized content exist inside this site, like, using fan-fics can be illegal, 'a-fine-line' you got to walk here, and it also must be free, plus, all the usage of pics without owning it ... Maybe this site got threats? From major-companies? Even countries? ... I dunno ... but such act must have a real threat over their head, even if they chose the wrong way to solve it ...]

        I have the same problem, well, this afternoon I made a backup of my chapters and uploaded it to , I did it to continue writing comfortably, I will publish there and when it is finally edited I will publish it in webnovel too (for now) so that my readers can move to another page and can read comfortably by browser as 99% of them do.

          I'm willing to offer solutions (even if I don't know this site prob):

          1. Threaten any fan-fic in here by 'approval-needed', or 'cancellation', to protect this site from copyright-acts
          2. Create a definite guide-lines for writers about 'what shouldn't be written about'/ 'the limit of plagiarize'/ 'what is and what isn't protected under copyright laws'/ etc.
          3. Separate between free+paid novels! Let the readers know that a writer they like created a 'paid novel', but as for the free-novels, leave this site as it is, don't change a thing, cause WE PUBLISHED IT HERE FOR FREE ANYWAY! (&You say you protect my work, but damn, I made it for free, are you really protecting me?)
          4. Tell us, Mr.Webnovel, you problems, so we can be a part of the help and solution, and not another part of your problem!

          sebas325 I get what you mean, but this site is so good, I like it so much, I really wish it will stay alive and well, to the point I didn't even go into other sites :'/

          Never read/watched Gantz, but I'll try your novel 🙂 V.


            It's not that you are leaving webnovel forever, just see it as an extension, and create another channel to upload your content then just upload it back to webnovel and keep it... or other pages, it's the best. I found easy to write, in my opinion you have to see the problems as an opportunity to improve yourself.

            Yesterday I published a chapter, I went to sleep and when I woke up today, I didn't see any votes or comments, only 1 collection. I was disappointed, but I went and wrote a new chapter.

            However, after I published and when I opened the chapter to read and edit the errors, I came across this change.

            Then I understood why my few readers stopped voting with their power stones or commenting on anything.

            If I don't have readers, I don't feel motivated to write...

              I've checked multiple times and it still completely possibl to edit chapters in the Inkstone page, what are you exactly talking about?

                MyIncarnation Then you're not really a true writer, i enjoy writing without having to ask people to give me an opinion about them or send a dumb stone. Feels like you were just writing for attention? There are social media for that

                  Is this even Legal what they did? None of the Authors, at least from comments side, did know of this Sudden Update.
                  And as Die_Jobb already said, "A author Writes Novel on PC".

                    Neigh0 chapters are published through the Inkstone page, nothig has happened to it, stop complaining about something that you dont even know about

                      dont leave 1 rewiev stars on the app they delete them report them for hate and pput a capture fo some ultraracist chinese novel instead

                      Die_Jobb i was the same way till this update, now i started reading on scribble hub and theres tons of good books there lol

                      Web Novel Novel Ask