PancakesWitch Are you for real? This is my first web-novel...
The best thing that this site gave me is learning about writing through the comments, which no 'real' author never had a chance in his life to have without the invention of such platforms = Read feedback!
Do you know how author work in 'real-life'? They give the publisher the book, who then pass it to certain readers, for comments, and then it come back with the sum of all reviews, some detailed, some general, and you sit down to edit your work... and all of that happen before publishing...
& Now, welcome to the internet, I can skip this whole ordeal by publishing my work here, and get comments, reviews, real-responses, and all of that without hearing from any publisher, freely, openly, plus get audience...
This site actually bypass the whole publishing world, letting the writers meet the readers 'face-to-face', with no publisher in the middle. Such is the internet world, it creates what never was possible before.
I feel the writing-world took a step back after this update :/