it is also quite comfortable to use this site as a dump or a library where you can find a hundred things to read on another site
I probably just check the site sometimes to see if they still removed that shit
Entropy_ yes I copy novel and read now) lol
RevolutionMan como copias la novela?
RevolutionMan my respect General
Akuma_Ma0u I copy name novel and google it and see my novel and read in another platform lol)
Copy name and continue read. (C) Captain Jack Sparrow
Same I'm dropping Webnovel, not because I want to but because I can't read shit on PC.
Too bad, this doesn't include most of the fanfics on this website. Can't copy and paste a fanfic to find it on another website.
RevolutionMan Can u tell me a great alternatives to read
Entropy_ it was my favorite due to the ease of search compared to other sites