Well, here we are... Im a long time reader on the website via pc. I use the app when Im out and about as well. Unfortunately with the change to the website version, pc reading is now completely dead. You cant install the app on pc, so now I have to read on a tiny phone screen sitting on the floor with my short charger cable. Most pc readers are not willing to do this. So what ends up happening is a vicious cycle of 'readers leaving -> less views for authors who then also leave -> readers having less stories to read so they also leave -> authors get even less views and they leave -> ...' It will just keep going like this untill Webnovel is well... dead. We readers and authors alike dont want to see this happen. We hope this change can be reverted before the damage is done. If it doesnt then we will be forced to find other sites to read novels and when we do finally decide to leave it will be too late for any changes to undo the damage.
Webnovels future...
Riryz I've been here for 2 years and I just didn't expect that out of nowhere they would kill the site, man that app is shit, it doesn't even have automatic translation!!
N3XUS_14 my library of fanfics that I gathered with so much difficulty, there were still so many for me to read
Miguel_Sayjin Bro... I had like ten tabs constant off fanfics to read.... Wahh!
Riryz bro it’s funny too because I stopped reading fanfics for a couple of months on Webnovel to let the market refill with new life and when I came back this week there was so many new fanfics that I couldn’t wait to read as well as dropped ones I used to read coming back then the NEXT DAY this happened
RulerOfTheMoleRats eu também
RulerOfTheMoleRats very frustrating I spent the time to filter those beauties and they make me this
Kono_phineas_da Jack Hanna's fanfic was so good I was just waiting to get together bro
Agreed, this whole thing is a dumb move. Welp off to fanfiction.net scribblehub or royalroad I go
- Edited
It sucks they decide to silence people trying to give genuine suggestions. I havent been offensive, I havent acted angry and out of place, yet they still do something like this. Seems like they genuinely do not care about us.
Iseeyou well it is stupid anyway, first of all the thing is not just the pc readers is the website readers, a lot of people on this site speak other lenguages! they need to use the website to use google chrome translator in order to read and enjoy their novels normally. this is just straight up killing at minimum half of the site's member (dont know exactly). And even if their focus was english reader's then that is still a stupid move, english readers are pissed off becase of this attemp to force us gave them money, also they are too comfortable reading in pc or its more comfrotable to read it in google chrome in the cellphone! i read novels in my cell using the chrome translator and its not only necesary since i speak spanish but also its way more comfortable than reading directly from the app, you can change the size of the letter and the typo big enough to read and without looking horrible and it doesnt have annoying adds or force some random paid novels into your library. honestly i cant wait to see them begging us to comeback once they realize English readers are leaving too, killing succesfully the website.
daniel_rahn I only use this shit to read fanfics
Kono_phineas_da damn that sucks