While i will still read the novels that i have saved on my phone, this honestly probably the end of any true relationship with this site. I would kind of understand if they had computer app and would want people to get it, but at this point it is just getting rid of their customers for no reason whatsoever. If anyone knows any decent fanfic sites (excluding fanfiction.net i know and use that one) please tell me.
Why the hell would you cock block the majority of your fanbase
i always read books from my PC and i cant do it now(((
Saetherith They just completely took a suicide dive on this app
Because pc users are not where the money is at. Money is at the mobile ads.
But they are not looking at the bigger picture.
- Edited
Yeah, they truly shoot themselves with this one, here you have some sites that i know:
fiction live: autors write fics and interact with the people at the same time like a quest dice and everything, but have a lot of perverts too.
ao3: You can find some gems here and there is a lot of histories from all genres, but there is a lot of crackfic and smut.
Spacebattles: A very good one to find some decent fanfic, but dont have the same numbers of the others.
Questionablequesting: Some decent fanfic and stories, but is not that popular as others sites.
Scribblehub: Very similar genres and style of webnovel, with original stories and fanfic, but theres is a lot of chinese novels cultivation style.
Novelupdates: Very well know site and while is more of novels and original stories there is some fanfic here too.
Wattpad: Spanish mostly site, there is a lot of both fanfic and original stories, but the average quality is very low.
Hope this help, sry my english.
Teile_Eliet ty <3
BrabbitX no seria mas facil... no permite bloqueado de anuncio ? y listo gana dinero complicidades aunque serĂ¡ molesto pero seria mejor esto :V