bro, i'm brazilian and i don't know how to read english, that's why i use google translator to translate the novels, but now that i can't read without having the app (where there is no translator) i'll have to read it on pirated sites. novel, you lost many readers because of this and demotivated many authors.

    R4ITO sou a msm um fanfic q leio o autor decidiu continua no site agora fico sem ler e era um q gostei pakas

    R4ITO me too, imagine my surprise when i woke up and went to read my fanfics i thought it was a bug only after i came to the forum i discovered this naughtiness, my library was full of fanfics that i had not read all my work looking for these wonders was thrown in the trash

    Aby translator chociaż był dostępny w tej aplikacji

      Went to the discord apparently their aren’t enough PC readers to make a difference and they only care about English readers.

      espero que los autores de fanfic publiquen sus hitorias en otras paguinas para poder traducirlas y poder leer las historias

        Jorge419 espero lo mismo si conoces otro sito me dices
        I hope the same if you know another site tell me

          try using the niven studio Ai screen translate app, so far so good for me

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