Halo_Assassin minha biblioteca de fanfics que juntei com tanta dificuldade, ainda havia tantas para eu ler
these bastards only did it on the fanfiction section
Went to the discord apparently their aren’t enough PC readers to make a difference and they only care about English readers.
Iseeyou I read novels on google on my phone cuz the app sucks they really fumbled the bag
Eroos Ok I see what you mean. I picked a random novel again, started at ch 1 and spammed next up to ch 39 and then the app message showed up.
Seriamente solo buscan perder lectores con estas maniobras poco ortodoxas. 1º sacaron los "Fast-Pass", de los cuales juntaba para leer lentamente las novelas pagas, y ahora basicamente quieren que migremos forzosamente a una app que no sirve ni para darte la hora.
PD: Acepto sugerencias para otras paginas para leer novelas xD
Iseeyou perhaps we should just ask the Authors to stop posting untill the Assholes get it
Kono_phineas_da same, its way more comfortable
Mes trois histoires on était réduite à 10 chapitres chacune, après le nombre d'heures incalculable d'effort à les écrire ( Pleure ) je vais tout reposter lentement sur ScribbleHub. J'ai le même nom pour ceux que sa intéresse plus tard ( pas encore mis grand-chose dessus )
Federico_Sanchez let me know when you know
Pepe_Man Scribblehub.com
If only that were the case.
I can't even check my own work on my laptop, and it's an original.
Its still the same even if you've paid for coins to unlock chapters. I can no longer read them unless its on the app. Complete waste of money as I read or rather read on a windows tablet
Have already found alternates to most novels. Will miss out on some fanfic though unless they post elsewhere as well