AidaHanabi Yes, i noticed that bug and have reported it to our programmers. they will fix it.
Publishing problem in inkstone
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TheLonerLion Hahhaha editor q jg sering gt d line, email dfb gw kontak g d blz2 2 hr ilang katanya mo kabur k dunia BL dlu. Trus kmren kn bru edit setengh ehhh dia iLang. Gw cariin d mn2 lg. Trny bru d bls tengh mlm bilngnta hp mati, satuny lg kuota abis trus internet indihome d rmh d block lah ampe skrg gw yg stress mo update ch g bs
CallMeSenpai it shows all right... i think you deleted some special characters.....
AidaHanabi ga mau pressure dia, takut dianya kabur. Mungkin sih dia ada Univ's Exam. Aku juga ga mau bikin dia risih. Secara aq sadar diri, tanpa editor. Diriku bukanlah apa². Baper
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TheLonerLion hehe emng.
Cm editor q in tmn q dr dlu dr jaman skolah ampe skrg. Aslinya gw nyulik dia trus lempar hsil cerita k dia wkwkw.
Awlnya dia kabur mulu baca bl. G ad krjaan tp hbs itu dia sndiri yg nyuruh nyari mn ch bru
Biasalah nmnya udh tmn lm dia ilng gw yg heboh. Sm jg dia. Gw ilang dia bakal heboh (klo lg ad maunya dia klo g gw d cuekin abis) kcuali gw kasih umpan pancingan ma cerpen BL nongol tuh ank fujoshi berat
Paling entr dia ngamuk kasih komen d draft chap gegara grammar ge kdng ancur pas ngetik setengh tidur. makanya dia suka nyisipin note dia sndiri d chap ge biarin aj slm g trlalu ngaruh k mood cerita. Dan slm bkn gw yv d bntai ma dia.
Kadng gw ngakak sndiri ngeliat komen dia tiap ngedit. Ngaco bnget reaksinya
AidaHanabi kamu punya Discord?
I think mine was banned too... x_X
TheLonerLion punya tp kdng g bs d buka stress aq kdng jd g bs ikutan discord grup yg lain
AidaHanabi no wonder u r so active in forum.
Selain fiksi biasa, kamu nulis Bl juga?
TheLonerLion cm buat si editor fujo gw. Huhu. Klo gw sebar yg ad gw d bacok mak ge klo katahuan.
Uhm, I think I'm still banner, the charter is not showing. Can you please help? Sorry for the bother. Thank you
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So, is it safe to delete and republish now?
Inkstone says the chapters on timer have been published but is not showing up.
Tried deleting a published chapter, then republished. Nothing. Then after a few hours it showed up. Seems to be working now.
Dannnnz Can I still ask for a cover?
When i typed my draft I did it with proper line spaces but it is not showing in my published one. Can you pls help me out. Thank you.
Hi, I seem to be getting some problems publishing my novel. It says that my chapter is published on inkstone, but I have not seen my web novel site being updated. Also, I have not been seeing my chapters on the recent post for original novels when I do post. Please help.