@Dannnnz LoL look like u need naruto kagebushin for make ur own clone to help u fix this problem. πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

    yansusustories done

    YourSmileIsFading i changed the order

    basabookk done please do not re-edit it before we fix the bug. it will be fixed tonight. you can re-edit your chapter tmr

    OmnipotentDad your chapter is there but without a title.....

    17Sphynx17 they can delete them but not re-edit.... Thank you 17

    TheLonerLion yes, not now. it will be fixed tonight.

    Scherazade done

    AidaHanabi πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

    Sorahana done

    DesolateNightSky done

      Dannnnz I could kiss you.

      Yeah, I thought reposting would fix them since I was "unbanned".

        Dannnnz LoL

        if only fantasy can become reality easily. I hope I have a ninja technique that can help me get things done.πŸ˜‚

          We just update a new version of inkstone. I think the publishing problem has been solved. If you still get the problem, do not hesitate to contact me.

            @Dannnnz Btw, Dan I got confused everytimes I want to update my chap and count the words. Well, it's not just 1 or 2 times words counts was mistake on counting my words like I just update some chap with 2000 words but words counts display 600 or 500 the worse was when it said I just had 22 words! LoL

              AidaHanabi If you use the symbols <> anywhere in your chapter, it will mess up the word counts, so replace those for either [] or ().

                TheLonerLion lol aku kn suka kerayapan ke sn k mari.

                Hahaha g sering2 amat sih sbnrny wkwkwk cm sekali mampir gw samperin dlu smua isi diskusi trus smbil krj nungguin blsn πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

                In pagi kbetuln lg segang nungguin editor kelarin edit taunya ktany kehabisan kuota trus indihome d rmh d block wkeke gmn nasib ane...

                  AidaHanabi editor ku menghilang lebih dari 24 jam. 😭😭😭

                  Maybe I scare him away. 😭😭

                  Bentar lagi aku mau lapor polisi.

                  [Dicari, orang hilang...]

                    TheLonerLion Hahhaha editor q jg sering gt d line, email dfb gw kontak g d blz2 2 hr ilang πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ katanya mo kabur k dunia BL dlu. Trus kmren kn bru edit setengh ehhh dia iLang. Gw cariin d mn2 lg. Trny bru d bls tengh mlm bilngnta hp mati, satuny lg kuota abis trus internet indihome d rmh d block lah ampe skrg gw yg stress mo update ch g bs πŸ˜‚

                      AidaHanabi ga mau pressure dia, takut dianya kabur. Mungkin sih dia ada Univ's Exam. Aku juga ga mau bikin dia risih. Secara aq sadar diri, tanpa editor. Diriku bukanlah apaΒ². Baper

                        TheLonerLion hehe emng.

                        Cm editor q in tmn q dr dlu dr jaman skolah ampe skrg. Aslinya gw nyulik dia trus lempar hsil cerita k dia wkwkw.

                        Awlnya dia kabur mulu baca bl. G ad krjaan tp hbs itu dia sndiri yg nyuruh nyari mn ch bru πŸ˜‚

                        Biasalah nmnya udh tmn lm dia ilng gw yg heboh. Sm jg dia. Gw ilang dia bakal heboh (klo lg ad maunya dia klo g gw d cuekin abis) kcuali gw kasih umpan pancingan ma cerpen BL πŸ˜…πŸ˜’ nongol tuh ank fujoshi berat

                        Paling entr dia ngamuk kasih komen d draft chap gegara grammar ge kdng ancur pas ngetik setengh tidur. πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ makanya dia suka nyisipin note dia sndiri d chap ge biarin aj slm g trlalu ngaruh k mood cerita. Dan slm bkn gw yv d bntai ma dia.

                        Kadng gw ngakak sndiri ngeliat komen dia tiap ngedit. Ngaco bnget reaksinya

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