so...for those smart/lucky enough to get the codes, where/how would you exchange them? owO;;

  • enna replied to this.

    Ugh! I don't get it at all 😢 i don't even understand the mechanics of getting redeem stones, i just want a mass release of psl

      Oh as a point of interest the full coordinates actually points to somewhere in Hunan, China... that is if you don't indicate South and West... subverting it to North and East respectively...

      But to break it down, is the clue actually just referring to one or two time period?
      If just one time period then the latitude is the hour hand and the longitude is the minute hand... If two time period then each coordinate needs to be broken down as the hour and minute... just converting the angle degree to an hour hand...

        WEBNOVEL_OFFICIAL These riddles are crazy hard AF. XD or Am I just dumb? Reading the words individually, I can understand. Putting them together is giving me vertigo. XD I guess I'll leave searching for spirit stones up to luck so as not to overwork my poor brain. T_T

        Ringlet it's in the tab along with where you can see the get free spirit stones. Below there's a redeem spirit stones. Never really tried it yet. Just noticed that there's a new button.

          Ringlet oh wait. I just checked it again and it's gone. I guess it'll appear when the time is right.

          No perfect secret love.. was really hoping it will be on the list.

          Hey I just finished bringing home the nation's husband and I wanted to find out if anybody could recommend a book that's already finished like this one.

          WEBNOVEL_OFFICIAL Sure put in a lot of effort to tell me that I've gotten stupid over the years. Ain't nobody really using this jazz beyond schooling. Gosh, I remember it being so dmn easy when I first learned it. Now, massive blanks...
          Who came up with the riddles?
          smiles innocently* Just curious~

          enna um where is the tab where it says get free spirit stones? i can't navigate TTmTT;; or are you talking about the "redeem gift card" that says "enter claim code" i just found @_@" maybe it's a difference of web vs app...

          • enna replied to this.

            Hmmm, all the ones I tried said already claimed -_-... and I was refreshing waiting for them.

              What should u do after youfind the code?

                also we would have to unlock chapter with SS to read trnslator thgts or to get the codes

                • FKT replied to this.

                  All of them have already been reddemed

                    all the ones I tried said already claimed

                      FKT a noobs solve
                      a navel refers :0 (a dot or its in a shape of zero)
                      coordinates refer to a location:0 (a dot or fixed point))
                      6 without head :0 (zero)
                      9 without tail :0 (zero)
                      time 00:00 since there are four clues

                      I have trouble figuring out is the ranking of original novels or translated

                        [unknown] This is why people object to your premium plan.

                        "Pay us money for our chapters, because the authors and translators need their cut," you say, and I agree; that is necessary and fine.

                        But then you follow it with, "But don't expect any regular release schedule or consistency, because the translators are only doing this as a hobby, not as a job."

                        If you are getting paid, it's a job. If it's a job, there are obligations. As a company, you should be enforcing the obligations of your employees, especially where money is involved.

                        This "pay us for our work and we'll do it at the rate we choose without telling you anything definite" really comes off as unprofessional.

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