Update: Chapter 16 of Project Salvation: Rise of the Venomous Snake has been uploaded!
Update: Chapter 41 of Masquerade of Madness had been uploaded!
ThePotatoKing I am interested in the swap...5 chapter read and comments on the whole five chps read. Deal?
ThePotatoKing I just added one your books to my collection. If you want we could do two two books each.
two books each works for me.
ThePotatoKing okay...agreed!
Simply choose two of these books and drop a review and comments, then I would return the favour on yours.
My fantasy book PATHWAY TO HEAVEN
https://dynamic.webnovel.com/book/25031373806882405 THEN,
contemporary romance novels WRATH OF A SISTER
https://dynamic.webnovel.com/book/24873524306361405 AND
ThePotatoKing I added your other book too. You will hear from me soon. After I am done with two books...if you are free you might as well start with mine. I really won't disappoint you.
- Edited
ThePotatoKing I just finished with your first book...I added, reviewed and did lots of chapter comments for five chapters. I would love it if you would do the same on mine. I will check the other book too..very soon.
NobleRemmy reading your books right now, thanks a lot for the comments.
I woke up to see like 45 notifications in my inbox,
Haha made my day
- Edited
Update: Chapters 17 and 18 of Project Salvation: Rise of the Venomous Snake have been uploaded!
Update: Chapter 42 of Masquerade of Madness had been uploaded!