Update: Chapter 16 of Project Salvation: Rise of the Venomous Snake has been uploaded!

    Update: Chapter 41 of Masquerade of Madness had been uploaded!

      ThePotatoKing I am interested in the swap...5 chapter read and comments on the whole five chps read. Deal?

        ThePotatoKing I added your other book too. You will hear from me soon. After I am done with two books...if you are free you might as well start with mine. I really won't disappoint you.

          ThePotatoKing I just finished with your first book...I added, reviewed and did lots of chapter comments for five chapters. I would love it if you would do the same on mine. I will check the other book too..very soon.

          NobleRemmy reading your books right now, thanks a lot for the comments.
          I woke up to see like 45 notifications in my inbox,
          Haha made my day

          Update: Chapters 17 and 18 of Project Salvation: Rise of the Venomous Snake have been uploaded!

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