fulminata places my hand on your shoulder with a stern face donned most seriously This honorable task falls to you...whether we fall into ruin or rise high up into the clouds as majestic birds are entirely up to your discretion. walks past you with my hands behind my back, off to the unforeseeable future

Also as a side note, anyone got any novel recommendations?

    DazzlingGem lol, yes. But I figured Rex might try a coup. But I now see he is busy ducking his responsibilities / delegating it to others :P

    Rextraos lol, glad I was away while you were busy assigning tasks to other people. What novels do you like (other than CoPW) and what novels do you not like?

    fulminata I am back! I thought everyone else was going MIA, so I wanted to be like everyone else 😳 I am a sucker for peer pressure and herd mentality.

      mng Still a better leader than 90% of other leaders. You try so hard to grasp onto power but once you achieve the highest form of office, nothing no longer matters and so you delegate everything onto others, The tough life of a wonderful leader :smile: :relieved:

      Lord of the Mysteries is a recent addition, I love the mysterious riddles, the ingenuity of the story as well as the advancement system of Beyonders (which is both a title and a type of indicator for supernatural human beings)

      Monster Pet Evolution is yet another new addition, it has evolution concepts as well as battles between mutated lifeforms, rather than pokemon it is closer to Digimon in that evolution is not a linear thing, the novel reminds me of another novel called The Charm of Soul Pets.

      The Legendary Mechanic is my favorite novel of all time, it takes the best aspects of video game reincarnation into an NPC with a twist of actual players inhabiting the game later on unlike all the other in its genre that make the universe as another plane of existence.

      Soul of Searing Steel is pretty good too in regards to the execution, the MC is a bit questionable though.

      Novels I hate? Most cultivation novels, arrogant MCs, plot armor, naive & simple-minded MC's and worst of all novels that don't take itself seriously and have to make out of novel references to other novels every second chapter.

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        Rextraos what's this? I can't read it. All I'm seeing is a bunch of squiggles. Sorry bro. Can't know what I can't read. 😏

        mng ohh. You're back. So am I! And now @DazzlingGem is MIA. Shame on us. I nominate @SquUr as the new leader!

        • mng replied to this.

          😔 I'm sorry, guys! Your esteemed leader was gone for a time. I am sick of you— 😘 No, I am actually sick after the New Year and just got better today, though I still have a cold. 😷 Poor me.

          Anyway, what's new? 😂 Nothing?


            DazzlingGem Anyway, what's new? 😂 Nothing?

            If you had to ask, you already knew. Thanks for reminding us that CoPW isn't getting the attention it deserves :sob:

              Rextraos Well, I was hoping for something new for the New Year.. 😢 Besides, you don't need reminding when it has always been that way. 😂

                DazzlingGem Well, I assumed you had forgotten, you are after all very forgetful. :smirk:

                What exactly were you expecting? :thinking:

                Oh, haven't seen Tarsier in a while, that's always nice. :relieved:

                  Rextraos I don't know.. New friends, maybe? or new enemies? 😌 It's always just you here and the rest of the Up Sect. 😒

                    DazzlingGem New enemies...? Please tone down your masochistic qualities, Sweets would be sad to hear what you just said. :confounded:

                      Rextraos lol, yeah that kindof cuts out the majority of cultivation novels. Lots of arrogant MCs that are claimed to be "reasonable". Which brings us back full circle to needing CoPW. Anyways, have you tried reading King's Avatar? Is the MC for that too arrogant for you too?

                      And yes, you probably are better than 90% of other leaders. Sadly so. At least based on my highly scientific study of leaders I know of.

                      fulminata lol, dont scare away Sir SquUr. He is probably the most reliable out of all of us! Actually not sure if that would scare him, as his Upese dialect is a little different from mine, but it would scare me, so I assume he is similar. Which seems reasonable to me, as he has similarly good taste in web novels.

                      DazzlingGem Hope you feel better soon. Pretty sure it was the other forum threads that made you sick, not us. We are too nice and wholesome to make anyone sick. And you should visit us more often. Laughter is allegedly the best medicine and I think I can mix metaphors and definitively state that a laugh a day keeps the doctor away.

                      Rextraos Who is Sweets?

                        Rextraos New enemies means more activity! 😤 Besides, a story wouldn't be good without the constant villain. And Sweets has left us here anyway. 😒

                        mng Yeah, it's the other threads I'm sick of. I only post in this thread nowadays anyway. 😆

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