I want martial arts master T.T #NeedMassRelease
I want martial arts master T.T #NeedMassRelease
Thank you for mass releazzzzzzzz.....
KaiAoihana same
KaiAoihana same
I have a question?
When I reviewed BNHH using my account it shows successful and I even got an email from Amazon thanking me but when I went to Amazon using your give link I don't see my review nor rating. So I would like to ask whether my review I counted as well or that only a certain region voting will be counted
Please request for Paradise of Demonic Gods Mass Release.
WEBNOVEL_OFFICIAL why there is nothing for LOHP
- Edited
Guys!! only 3 review for BTNHH on amazon???
I left a review but it was on the regional site. I can't leave review on amazon.com as I haven't used it yet.
The ratings are gonna get inflated like hell
This shall be interesting!
I would like to write a review but this is what appears on the site when I try : "To submit reviews, customers must make a minimum amount of valid debit or credit card purchases. Prime subscriptions and promotional discounts don't qualify towards the purchase minimum."
Moral dilemma. I really hated BNHM and dropped it. On the other hand, Hidden Marriage is currently at such a great place.
Those two authors are too different. The mass release should not be connected.
Just A question is Carefree Pato of ideal included because it suddenly Got around ten premium chapters and if it Wasnt part of the friday deal Can someone Tell me if Its premium now or if Its just a couple new chapters
Thereader9373582 Carefree path of dreams
pretty positive amazon is blocking the reviews now because it violates policy on "reviews written in exchange for compensation."