And there go all my SS
I dont get why people need AI......
I tried it but there is no sounds maybe its just me.....
Anyway if the AI can speak i guess blind people can atleast "hear" and try out novels.......
Thanks for the mass release
Webnovel guys can't you ever make the originals do a mass release?
I want a mass release of strange cat life
Snowman AI.
Make me remember the old days.
Snowman clan
Thank You so much
5 friends for the Snowman AI!? Who has that many?
bachingchung I wanna Gollum voice
I don't have Amazon account so I can't leave a review. That's 1 chapter less.
Mass release TKA CCG RTW
That snowman ai page doesn't load anything.... Should it be that way?is it not finished or is it my phone's problem?
WEBNOVEL_OFFICIAL The Snowman AI doesn't seem to be working...
Also, a few big grammar errors:
- Edited
This is what I call a mass release
Thanks You!!!
On the other hand, good bye my sweet sweet SS QAQ
WEBNOVEL_OFFICIAL now that is what I called a mass release thank you so much Qidian. Just a quick question. The reading AI what accent is it in and can you change the accident?
I can't hear any voice. Is it really like that? Please help. Thanks
bachingchung As a professional audio-book reader, all I can say is.... you get what you pay for! (Don't expect something anywhere near what a human can do)