Mass release TKA CCG RTW
That snowman ai page doesn't load anything.... Should it be that way?is it not finished or is it my phone's problem?
WEBNOVEL_OFFICIAL The Snowman AI doesn't seem to be working...
Also, a few big grammar errors:
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This is what I call a mass release
Thanks You!!!
On the other hand, good bye my sweet sweet SS QAQ
WEBNOVEL_OFFICIAL now that is what I called a mass release thank you so much Qidian. Just a quick question. The reading AI what accent is it in and can you change the accident?
I can't hear any voice. Is it really like that? Please help. Thanks
bachingchung As a professional audio-book reader, all I can say is.... you get what you pay for! (Don't expect something anywhere near what a human can do)
Could we have people record their own voices reading instead of a robotic voice? (I sometimes struggle reading from my minor dyslexia)
WEBNOVEL_OFFICIAL Will there ever be a mass release for Perfect Secret Love: The Bad New Wife is a Little Sweet?
BRUHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH 20 SG CHAPTERS!! If I wasn't a man I would've squealed like a women in delight. Who am I kidding I did anyways
Thank you !!!!
Tsoi here is the link
Let's spread this all over for more mass release . I personally can't give a review because I never make a purchase before at amazon , so I can't give any review yet :(
Thank you for the mass release ! I had a problem with spirit stones! I had also posted the problem but no reply from @WEBNOVEL_OFFICIAL Could you please look into it . I cannot read the chapters without spirit stones !!!!! Urgent !!!! Help!!!!
WEBNOVEL_OFFICIAL Snowman did not work for me T_T
WEBNOVEL_OFFICIAL i want the empress gigplo mass release....
What is required for the next mass release of Hidden Marriage? I love that novel and spending the stones is worth the read.
TsoiHi tsoi, sugar plum lied to you!
You can see the link that qidian post on forum under the thread TGIF#19!
Sorry i couldn't copy the link since i opened it using my hp! Good luck!
bachingchung exactly
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Is therea chance to have another mass release for full marks hidden marriage???