That snowman ai page doesn't load anything.... Should it be that way?is it not finished or is it my phone's problem?

    This is what I call a mass release
    Thanks You!!!
    On the other hand, good bye my sweet sweet SS QAQ

      WEBNOVEL_OFFICIAL now that is what I called a mass release thank you so much Qidian. Just a quick question. The reading AI what accent is it in and can you change the accident?

        I can't hear any voice. Is it really like that? Please help. Thanks

          bachingchung As a professional audio-book reader, all I can say is.... you get what you pay for! (Don't expect something anywhere near what a human can do)

            Could we have people record their own voices reading instead of a robotic voice? (I sometimes struggle reading from my minor dyslexia)

            BRUHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH 20 SG CHAPTERS!! If I wasn't a man I would've squealed like a women in delight. Who am I kidding I did anyways

            Tsoi here is the link

            Let's spread this all over for more mass release . I personally can't give a review because I never make a purchase before at amazon , so I can't give any review yet :(

              Thank you for the mass release ! I had a problem with spirit stones! I had also posted the problem but no reply from @WEBNOVEL_OFFICIAL Could you please look into it . I cannot read the chapters without spirit stones !!!!! Urgent !!!! Help!!!!

                What is required for the next mass release of Hidden Marriage? I love that novel and spending the stones is worth the read.

                  TsoiHi tsoi, sugar plum lied to you! 😑
                  You can see the link that qidian post on forum under the thread TGIF#19! 😁
                  Sorry i couldn't copy the link since i opened it using my hp! Good luck!

                    Is therea chance to have another mass release for full marks hidden marriage???

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