Thanks for the mass release for Full Hidden Marks!!!!
I would like to become the 'Elite Participant' for the SNOWMAN AI Experiment. Where do I submit my reports?
hanaangel_xo agreed
Thanks for the mass release of HM. I also need to say a big thank you for the mass release of Venetated Venomous consort. Please hope there will be more of VVC next time. As per Snowman it's working, hope there will be voice. Thanks for all the goodies.
chocholate do you know the link? I tried amazon shopping and amazon kindle but can't find it
Can't do the review, we have to have minimum purchase in amazon, sorry qidian, but thank you for the mass release
mass release for monster paradise please....
leeminjue Me too ToT
#TGIF20 hoping for another mass release, today..
WEBNOVEL_OFFICIAL How to participate on experiment report for Snowman AI ...
WEBNOVEL_OFFICIAL How to participate on experiment report for Snowman AI ...
- Edited
I did the whole snowman ai thing was deep in the chapters and it started all over by asking which genre to pick snowman was the only way I could read superstars of tomorrow now I don't even want to bother with it even if it won't pick up on the app