Mtaiofbook you need to use a hosting site, use a free one like ( which I've used for about 5years + ) but do rem to set up your album/pic's as private, then you can share the link you get once you upload, just but cutting and pasting it in here is the best way or you can google "free pic hosting etc if you don't want to use the one i use
Celebrate for the World Cup 2018 - Build your Supportive Card for fun
Pizz tq, I will try it now
Mtaiofbook Finally, I done it.
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Here mine o
@WEBNOVEL_OFFICIAL mine won't open in any platform be it mobile or pc...
Why is it happening???? :(
@WEBNOVEL_OFFICIAL #WC2018CARD and #Webnovel ID: 4211110134
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Japan might just top the group tonight ;) #Webnovel #WC2018CARD
Half German, half French. To ashamed to use Germany. So have to use france
dapenggaofei Nice, I'd be really happy if this got resolved.
Tooooooo late. My favorite team Germany - Disgraceful exit