Mtaiofbook you need to use a hosting site, use a free one like ( which I've used for about 5years + ) but do rem to set up your album/pic's as private, then you can share the link you get once you upload, just but cutting and pasting it in here is the best way or you can google "free pic hosting etc if you don't want to use the one i use

    Japan might just top the group tonight ;) #Webnovel #WC2018CARD


      Half German, half French. To ashamed to use Germany. So have to use france

        #WC2018CARD #Webnovel id:536509138 icewaters

          Tooooooo late. My favorite team Germany - Disgraceful exit

            ClemCa (I know he seems more chinese than japanese that's the goal)

              Web Novel Novel Ask