7 days later

DeathStroke96 Yes, I know. But I also know quite a few translator sites translating both languages plus korean...

    they should do it! cause, even wuxia world translate korean novels.
    it makes no difference, really.
    but if qidian is a TRUE HARDCORE patriot, who cares about nothing other than their chinese webnovels, ..... then forgive me

      JunkieOverThe_Moon The difference is Qidian only translates novels they have copyrights of. If they don't have it, they won't translate it.

        Chrissy Haha, copyrights... They won't translate content they don't own but they copy translations they don't own? Good job.

          11 days later

          Consti Depends. Everything is very vague about that unless they publicly show the contract that was signed. I don't dare to dwell on that since I'm just a lowly editor at the bottom of the food chain. I don't know much, but all I can say is that any novels not published in Qidian China will not be translated or posted in Qidian International.

          Bruh, don't bother posting this here.
          Even the suggestion people make on chinese novel is neglected, never mind a JP novel which already licensed.
          You have better chance at novelupdate than here.

            JunkieOverThe_Moon it's not about patriotism, Qidian translate ONLY Qidian novels, if the novel belong to qidian, whatever the language, why not..

              JunkieOverThe_Moon He's basically saying your idea is stupid (it makes no sense), not you.
              WW and other sites translate what other people own (the raw version aka Chinese version) by reaching a partnership with the company that owns that work. They can even translate Japanese novels (If they want to), but if they don't have that partnership with the 'company', then, they are taking a big risk.
              Qidian International translates only novels that belong to their own company (aka Chinese Qidian).


                Why would i ever badmouth one of my fellow daoist. No matter how much brain cells i lose due to some cancerous aid-fested post, i could never badmouth you silly goose.~
                I love everyone in this community that Qidian has created and fostered. I'am a good and genuine person.

                with that said, QIDIAN is such a great platform for all.
                The Qidian staff team are great and friendly, The translators is great and friendly, but most important of all is
                the community that Qidian has fostered and created is great and friendly. I love Qidian, and i would never ever bring harm to others in this community with my words. hahahaha.

                LONG LIVE QIDIAN! ~
                MAY GOD SAVE QIDIAN!
                LONG LIVE QIDIAN! ~

                disclaimer: I'am responsible for my own words. Qidian does not sponsored whatever i say and do in this forum.



                  It is indeed very unfortunate that one of our own lack the skill on the sarcasm language, and could reply with lots of exclamation mark and question mark.
                  What ZiLi says is right, maybe we all should hone our literature and language skill, especially on sarcasm and memepedia.

                    Do not forget we don't live in the era of pirates nor space travel, but in the great era of internet and meme.
                    100 years later, this discussion could be on the lecture of a history of meme and grammar nazi.

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