Hi! Update. I already read the first chapter and I really love it! I will be sticking around (because I honestly like it). I will drop my review after I read the third chap. But here's the thing. I just started uploading today and I update 2 chaps/day. Maybe you could wait till I post the third chap tomorrow morning before dropping a review. They said the first three chaps are the deciding factor whether readers would continue reading the story or drop it and that's what I wanna know.

By the way, your story kinda reminds me of The Name of the Wind by Patrick Rothfuss. That was a great story. I think you should give it a go in your free time for inspiration.


    williamLbeyne I
    I will do a review if you don't mind waiting until tomorrow. . I have three to do ahead of you. Do you prefer dark sci-fi/fantasy or a hybrid (girl) (Vampire, Werewolf), demon slayer in a love triangle with a girl Vampire and a boy werewolf? Lmk and I will send a link.


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