Spirit Stones Compensation Notice
WEBNOVEL_OFFICIAL Will soon be fixed?
Crashed. I cant access my library at all...cant read :(
Still crashed dude... and always show up popup which whatever i entered text always result "failed"
i am not able the access to my account
man why this whyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy!!!!!!!!!!!
Crashed!! Can't Read!!
It still crash i can not read a novel
same here man if you click them the might show the actual no
Same here
- Edited
I have the same problem on the main site i lost all my favorit webnovel and my stones i needed to type my name again all my levels are gones hope they will fix this soon neeed my daily dose of stories...
This is laugh 50 stones after all the problems and now the page is crashing again and the stones can not be achieved because the inbox does not work, before giving that kind of compensation at least fix the problems first
i got my account on my computer different with my account on my app mobile which are using same email. how to fix it? i try refresh on my website computer, but still using newbie account.
It's still not working, it always show message "Whoops...". After i login using gmail authentication it asks me again for username then no matter what i enter it says "Fail". No good message to find out what went wrong. Please fix.
A mi, desde ayer por la tarde no he podido acceder y hasta ahora no me permite acceder ... Por favor arreglarlo pronto ...