EmpressAje okay I'll add yours and review, here's mine
Thank you, done with yours too. Good luck!
Annisax You commented, actually . I thought you'll review.
opiumwitch Hi, I'm interested. I'll read 4 chapters of yours since my new novel only have 4 chapters.
Sure, no problem, just give me some time : )
I am a newbie writer. Please read my novel and give your reviews. There are only 6 chapters out.
Name:!!Dark World!!
Genre: Mystery, thriller, fantasy.
My link:https://m.webnovel.com/book/!!dark-world!!_26749742706362405
Let's review swap. Prompt 5 star reviews are promised.
TsukasaFrier Done! Great story!
Please I would appreciate if you review My book
Ping me after you are done with your review. I'll be providing one very quickly after the ping!
Secretive_Sephtis oopsss ima do just that
Ninestar619_5803 I think I've done the review for your novel a long time ago
Ewu_Rama Done yours, sweetie! Here's the link to mine https://www.webnovel.com/book/find-me-in-another-place-and-time_25876557905228005###
- Edited
Ninestar619_5803 done. Please do check my novel when have time and give an honest opinion about it. I don't care about stars or collection. Just do check it.
Ninestar619_5803 I added yours too. You did really well creating a fun story to read.
Review swaps guys! Ping me after you are done for instant and honest reviews.
Secretive_Sephtis I just did a review now. I am sorry it took so long. I was working
Secretive_Sephtis Sry for the delay! Done yours!