ThreyaMidnight im done waiting on yours ^^
Theothegiant Hi! I'm done with your review. I'm sorry if I sound a bit harsh... I hope you take it as words of improvement and encouragement instead and won't take it negatively. If I ever did offend you, I hope you know it's not my intention.
javalka I LOVE boy's love! Kindly drop your link and I'll read your work. May I clarify, you prefer review and power stone swaps but not collections? I could add your story to my library if you'd like! Note: I write constructive criticism and not flowery praises so please prepare yourself.
Ink_Quanta Hello, do you want me to add your story to my library or would a review suffice? I am currently reading your work, I'll give you an update once I posted my review.
May I kindly request for a collection and power stone swap once I've done my part? You don't need to review mine since I already got the minimum 10 reviews for a story rating heheh
Ink_Quanta Hello, I already reviewed your story. I'm sorry if I sounded too harsh. I genuinely just want you (and every writer I review) to become better in their craft. If my review offended you, I'm sorry but that wasn't my intention ((.
You are welcome to leave any kind of review you see fit (although you don't have to, if you leave only one stone/add collection, I will do the same for you) <3
Thank you <3
javalka Good day/evening! I did a review of your story! I just want to say a good job because it is written quite well that I barely have any words of improvement to add. Please continue the amazing work!
Thank you for taking the time to review and comment ;A; <3
Please tell me how I can return the support (or do you want it to be a specific story). I saw somewhere you don't need reviews, but I can also do that.
javalka Just adding my story to your library is good enough for me! (But if you have spare power stones, maybe you can give them to me >_<)
I did that and used my stones (I have two accounts if you're wondering) for your books ^^ I will certainly read them as well!
Looking for honest review swap, just send me yours
javalka hi we can do a review and collection swap
I'm looking for a honest review inexchange I'll review your book honestly
HI I review your book
Please let me know when you do mine
ThreyaMidnight thanks for the review it was really helpful! and thanks for also giving me a solution lol
Rock_writer I just did yours. Hot hot hot
Can you add my book in collection
Rock_writer I did.
Please give me vote and review.I'll also do same for you