ATOMIC_MOON If you send me a Google doc or something similar of your first chapter, I can go through it and give a detailed review. It's kinda hard to make suggestions on Webnovel.

If you want to send me the doc, my discord is foxner_

    De_Prodigy I might create a post for this. IDK, I don't have much time to go through a bunch of novels and leave detailed reviews for each. I had to do that in my creative writing class and it took ages to get through all of my classmates' writing. You can paste the link to your novel if you want here and I'll check it out. No promises that I will give you a detailed review though.

      Noah_Heridia of coursece will do you gave me permission
      To your novel i think if youbcan describe how blood is dripping from body it woud be more impact full
      Like that alley part where a man body was .
      You can descibe how the blood was drpping fron his Injuries

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