1stDaoistOfReading I'll take ur word for it xD on it
Honest read and review swaps
Hello! I hope you enjoy!
Title: Masquerade X Demolition
Genre: Dystopian Fiction | Post-Apocalypse
Status: Serializing [6 Ch.]
Link: (https://m.webnovel.com/book/masquerade-x-demolition_26708429505978205)
Emmanuelboss36_ Hi! I did a review of your story and added it to my library as well! I hope you can do the same for mine
Link: https://www.webnovel.com/book/eternity-doll_26727772605035305
I hope it suits your fancy!
I'm up for it! I'll read up to ten chapters.
Here's my link: https://www.webnovel.com/book/a-warrior's-ballad_26436371806349305/chapter-xl--conscience_71385253784117064
Emmanuelboss36_ I am reading yours rn.
please honestly review mine too
Emmanuelboss36_ done too.
Emmanuelboss36_ hey! Just added your book to my library. I’lol leave a review as soon as I can. Here’s mine! https://dynamic.webnovel.com/book/25931591605433105?utm_source=writerShare&utm_campaign=4313345206
https://www.webnovel.com/book/the-awakening-of-the-mind's-blade_26445868705134605 least chapter worth ur time only then comment or reviews
Harleeyah24 thanks done yours in my Libary aswell. Gonna continue reading I can't lie lol
If you would interested, please do check my book.
Thank you
Hi loves! Another chapter of Masquerade X Demolition is dropping in 3…2…1! Go read it! Love you all
Emmanuelboss36_ wanna review swap? Here's mine
Yui_is_tired cool I'll read when I have time
DaoistthV4aQ done actually really fun read
Emmanuelboss36_ Added your story and will review it shortly! Here's mine: https://m.webnovel.com/book/devour-(mythicae-and-astral-arts-academia)_25911181605360205