MooingNymph Thank you!
IvanelaSalove hello I'm interested also in paragraph comments here's mine!!
littleHua Sure! I already added yours to my collection. Your novel's cover is cool btw :3
Hey, anyone up for review swapping?
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Shining Here's mine!'s-journey-in-another-world_26839488005399905### I already added yours to my collection. I'll leave a review soon after reading it. Thank you!
IvanelaSalove Hi, new to the forums, does collection swap mean I add it to my library?
Sapphire_Ace Yes! It does :3
IvanelaSalove I don't have a ton of time but I can at least do that. Generally when I've done review swapping I read three chapters, is this acceptable? Some people have like thirty chapters... I wasn't going to read a full fledged book unless I'm truly interested in it.
Sapphire_Ace Yes, it's okay. At least read 3-5 chapters to fully understand a novel's plot. Aside from that, you can also read its synopsis to further understand it. I also added yours to my collection. I'll leave a review soon :3
IvanelaSalove I added a review, I think I read 6 chapters. I am interested in reading more but please add to your story as mentioned in my review.
IvanelaSalove I just added your book to my collection. Will review it by tomorrow.
Ashes of Humanity: The Solitary Survivor
In the aftermath of a catastrophic cataclysm that merged the realms of technology and devastation, Sun emerges as the solitary survivor in a desolate and technologically altered world. Imbued with a mysterious system that grants him unparalleled abilities, he becomes the last flicker of hope for humanity's remnants.
As Sun navigates the desolate landscapes, peeling back the layers of the cataclysm's enigma, he grapples with the weight of being the final human on Earth, a relic of a bygone era.
Amidst the ruins of civilization, embark on a poignant journey alongside Sun as he battles for resilience and survival, unearths the truth, and clings to the tiniest glimmer of hope.
I'm interested on swap review!
Hello, I added your novel to my collections, Please just give me a review. No one has given me one yet
Sapphire_Ace Yes, I'm working on it! I really appreciate the suggestion.
Shining Thank you! I'll add yours too.
QTV Sure! I'll leave a review soon.
Ashes of Humanity: The Solitary Survivor
In the aftermath of a catastrophic cataclysm that merged the realms of technology and devastation, Sun emerges as the solitary survivor in a desolate and technologically altered world. Imbued with a mysterious system that grants him unparalleled abilities, he becomes the last flicker of hope for humanity's remnants.
As Sun navigates the desolate landscapes, peeling back the layers of the cataclysm's enigma, he grapples with the weight of being the final human on Earth, a relic of a bygone era.
Amidst the ruins of civilization, embark on a poignant journey alongside Sun as he battles for resilience and survival, unearths the truth, and clings to the tiniest glimmer of hope.
I'm interested on swap review!
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I'll add ur books to my library pls do same and drop a review too Cox I'll do same
Here's mine, I'll also add to my library pls do same
CADMUS here's mine
I'll add to my library and then drop a review
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CosmicArchmage I am reviewing your book ! Please review back and comment ! I will add your book to my library .!_26843672205422105
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CosmicArchmage Done !
CosmicArchmage I will leave a review for you
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Annisax Did we swap ? If not, let's do it !!_26843672205422105###
redlady Done, a beautiful story
IvanelaSalove hey! Just added your book to my library. I’ll read and leave an honest review if you do the same. Here’s mine!
CosmicArchmage Hey! Just added your book to my library. I’ll read and leave an honest review if you do the same! Here’s mine,
Harleeyah24 That's fine
Harleeyah24 Sure! Will do.
CosmicArchmage Hello! Here's mine I already added yours.
SilentSolitude Here's mine!
Harleeyah24 Hy I'll add ur book to my library pls do same and leave a review
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Lo_rezi00 just added!
Edit: Actually, I’m having difficulties adding it to my library. It’s also not showing up on your profile??
IvanelaSalove I'm just looking for review swap. I'll read a part of your novel in a little while and I'll write a review for you. But I'll add your book to do you a favor since that's what you want.'s-destiny_25307725306783905
If you have time please read and if possible let's do a review swap, Thx