Sinadin Just added your book to my library! Waiting for your review on mine!
Review, collection, comments and powerstone swap.
@Harleeyah24 @Golden_Butterfly1 @Choka @Purple_Fantasies74
Hi, I've read your book and left a review.
Would you like to swap review with me?
Golden_Butterfly1 Alright! Just added your book to my library. Waiting for your review on mine!
TsukasaFrier What about this, I'll send two power stones after two days. Hope that's a fair enough exchange.
Purple_Fantasies74 I never said I'll review. I'll just send two power stones after tomorrow, I made that clear on my first exchange and yours, no? Hope it's fine with you.
TsukasaFrier Sure! I am going through your book and will leave a review once I am done.
Harleeyah24 On it!
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Who wants to swap reviews , comments and add to library ?
Here is my book :
Choka done with yours
Hello my name is Brandon Gould I will review your book if you review mine as well. I am aware of the Grammer and punctuation so no need I saying anything about that. I would like feedback on how I can improve my story and what can be done to make it better
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Brandon_5903 You forgot to review back . I am waiting for your review !
Can you review this book of mine ? Is new .
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Harleeyah24 I reviewed your book ! Please review mine .
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redlady Just added it to my library. I’ll let you know when I’m done! also, thanks!
Edit: Done!
It's still a new novel but I upload on a daily basis.
So do check my novel
Last Scion Of The Sun
Brandon_5903 Hi Brandon! I’ve just added your book to my library and will let you know when I’m done. Thanks for your review!
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TsukasaFrier Just added your book to my library. I’ll read and review as soon as I can. Thanks!
Edit: Done!
TsukasaFrier Done! I enjoyed your story!
Choka let's exchange powerstones!
Rin_Nurnia let go for collection swap
redlady let go for collection swap