Hey guys. looking for review swaps for my book. here is the link https://www.webnovel.com/book/twisted-fate-the-billionaire's-forbidden-affair_26754151006375105.
and if possible, we can also communicate easily on discord if u there @geegee95
Hey guys. looking for review swaps for my book. here is the link https://www.webnovel.com/book/twisted-fate-the-billionaire's-forbidden-affair_26754151006375105.
and if possible, we can also communicate easily on discord if u there @geegee95
Nidhongg yes!!!!
Uncle_Moon send m ur link
Nidhongg done waiting for yours
Atomic moon
Done the review and added to collections.
added to collections and reviewed
Uncle_Moon done
Art1111 https://www.webnovel.com/book/eternal-reminiscence_27108668306674005
CHap5 onwards para comment and collection swap?
Art1111 Thanks I'll do yours
@Jena_Blackx @Sleds_Writer @Art1111 @B4lth I'm done with the reviews and added to library, thanks for yours
Thanks, Rose. I will consider what you said about the chapter length and make them a bit shorter
Uncle_Moon done with yours
GEEGEE Do you want to swap reviews and comments ?